School/Faculty/Institute Faculty of Econ., Admin. and Social Sciences
Course Code POLS 339
Course Title in English Introduction to the Sociology of Minority Groups
Course Title in Turkish Azınlık Grupları/Toplumları Sosyolojisine Giriş
Language of Instruction EN
Type of Course Flipped Classroom,Lecture
Level of Course Intermediate
Semester Fall
Contact Hours per Week
Lecture: 3 Recitation: - Lab: - Other: 1
Estimated Student Workload 126 hours per semester
Number of Credits 5 ECTS
Grading Mode Standard Letter Grade
Pre-requisites None
Expected Prior Knowledge NONE.
Co-requisites None
Registration Restrictions Sadece Lisans Öğrencilerine açıktır.
Overall Educational Objective To gain a better understanding of minorities’ issues; examine how ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation and able-ism stratify contemporary societies; critique and challenge the historical and situated systems of oppression that undervalue and exploit minorities, find solutions and offer critical hope.
Course Description This course will provide students with an overview of the sociological perspective on minority-majority group relations that addresses their historical, cultural, social, economic, and institutional development in Globe. This course will provide students an overview of key theoretical debates of the field and the empirical data and case studies on which these debates hinge. Both sociological and social psychological levels of analysis will be employed to discuss issues including experiences of minority groups within the context of their cultural heritage as well as that of the dominant culture. Core concepts to be examined include (but are not limited to) social inequality/stratification, dominance/subordination, prejudice, discrimination, stigmatization; and explain how these terms shape beliefs about the relative social status of different social groups. Special emphasis will also be placed on memory practices and politics of remembrance, and also on protecting and preserving cultural heritage of Turkey’s minority communities. Theoretical knowledge will be supported by case studies by focusing on but not limited to the geography we live in. Throughout the course, students will be encouraged to expand their critical thinking and reflection skills, making meaningful connections between sociological concepts and minorities lived experiences. The ultimate goal is to better understand personal experience with ethnicity, religion, gender and -ism’s is shaped by the larger social, cultural and historical forces within the societies we live in.
Course Description in Turkish Bu ders, öğrencilere, azınlık-çoğunluk grup ilişkilerine uluslararası perspektiften yaklaşarak tarihsel, kültürel, sosyal, ekonomik ve kurumsal gelişimlerini ele alan sosyolojik bir bakış açısı sağlayacaktır. Ders, öğrencilere alandaki temel teorik tartışmaları sunarak, bu tartışmaların dayandığı ampirik veriler ve vaka çalışmalarına dair de genel bir bakış sağlayacaktır. Azınlık toplumlarının kültürel miraslarının yanı sıra içinde yer aldıkları geniş toplum bağlamındaki deneyimleri de dahil olmak üzere dersin ele aldığı konuları tartışmak için hem sosyolojik hem de sosyal psikolojik analiz araçları kullanılacaktır. İncelenecek temel kavramlar şunları içermektedir (ancak bunlarla sınırlı değildir): sosyal eşitsizlik/tabakalaşma, tahakküm/tabiiyet, önyargı, ayrımcılık, damgalama; ve bu terimlerin farklı sosyal grupların göreli sosyal statüleri hakkındaki inançları nasıl şekillendirdiği irdelenecektir. Kuramsal bilgiler, yaşadığımız coğrafyaya odaklanılarak ancak bununla sınırlı kalmayarak vaka çalışmaları ile desteklenecektir. Ders boyunca öğrenciler, sosyolojik kavramlar ile azınlıkların yaşadıkları deneyimler arasında anlamlı bağlantılar kurarak eleştirel düşünme ve yansıtma becerilerini geliştirmeye teşvik edilecektir. Kuramsal bilgiler, yaşadığımız coğrafyaya odaklanılarak ancak bununla sınırlı kalmayarak saha çalışmaları ile desteklenecektir. Kurs boyunca öğrenciler, sosyolojik kavramlar ile azınlıkların yaşadıkları deneyimler arasında anlamlı bağlantılar kurarak eleştirel düşünme ve yansıtma becerilerini geliştirmeye teşvik edilecektir. Dersin temel hedefi etnik köken, din, cinsiyet, yaşlılık, beden ile ilgili kişisel deneyimlerin ve algıların içinde yaşadığımız toplumlardaki daha geniş sosyal, kültürel ve tarihsel güçler tarafından nasıl ve ne ölçüde şekillendirildiğini anlamaya çalışmaktır.

Course Learning Outcomes and Competences

Upon successful completion of the course, the learner is expected to be able to:
1) evaluate our socially and culturally diverse society and world.
2) compare and contrast the social histories, structural conditions, socio-political dynamics, demographics, and the current challenges confronting various minority groups in the Globe.
3) describe the effects of discrimination and prejudice on the everyday life of minority group members in the context of social institutions.
4) understand and discuss the perceptions of members of different minority groups of “being a minority” in their daily lives
Program Learning Outcomes/Course Learning Outcomes 1 2 3 4
1) Adequate knowledge of political history necessary to comprehend and effectively evaluate contemporary Political Science and International Relations issues.
2) Understanding of the fundamental concepts that exist in the fields of social and behavioral sciences as well as the correlation between these concepts
3) Ability to analyze the fundamental theories in the field Political Science and International Relations and to assess their reflections into practice
4) Ability to critically discuss different aspects of theories and developments in Political Science and International Relations both individually and in the course of group work during classroom discussions.
5) Ability to conduct research independently, or with a team, about the developments taking place in the international arena, make foreign policy analyses, develop research-based conflict resolution models, and prepare comprehensive reports using computers and relevant software
6) Ability to take decisions as well as to implement these decisions by using the knowledge about the field and the skills that have been acquired during the undergraduate studies
7) Ability to recognize the relations between scientific thought and ethical behavior; pay attention to being tolerant and properly defend different ideas, ideologies and belief systems
8) Ability to work in international institutions and multicultural environments, with the help of the knowledge on different cultures, societies, political systems as well as linguistic skills acquired during the undergraduate studies
9) Ability to display language skills in English at minimum B2 level enough for debating with colleagues on issues of Political Science and International Relations, and also display language skills in a second foreign language at minimum A2 level enough for communicating in daily life
10) Ability to pursue lifelong learning as well as perform advanced/graduate studies in the field Political Science and International Relations and other social sciences disciplines in academic institutions at home and abroad

Relation to Program Outcomes and Competences

N None S Supportive H Highly Related
Program Outcomes and Competences Level Assessed by
1) Adequate knowledge of political history necessary to comprehend and effectively evaluate contemporary Political Science and International Relations issues. H HW
2) Understanding of the fundamental concepts that exist in the fields of social and behavioral sciences as well as the correlation between these concepts H Exam
3) Ability to analyze the fundamental theories in the field Political Science and International Relations and to assess their reflections into practice H HW
4) Ability to critically discuss different aspects of theories and developments in Political Science and International Relations both individually and in the course of group work during classroom discussions. H HW
5) Ability to conduct research independently, or with a team, about the developments taking place in the international arena, make foreign policy analyses, develop research-based conflict resolution models, and prepare comprehensive reports using computers and relevant software H Presentation
6) Ability to take decisions as well as to implement these decisions by using the knowledge about the field and the skills that have been acquired during the undergraduate studies S Presentation
7) Ability to recognize the relations between scientific thought and ethical behavior; pay attention to being tolerant and properly defend different ideas, ideologies and belief systems H Presentation
8) Ability to work in international institutions and multicultural environments, with the help of the knowledge on different cultures, societies, political systems as well as linguistic skills acquired during the undergraduate studies S
9) Ability to display language skills in English at minimum B2 level enough for debating with colleagues on issues of Political Science and International Relations, and also display language skills in a second foreign language at minimum A2 level enough for communicating in daily life H Participation
10) Ability to pursue lifelong learning as well as perform advanced/graduate studies in the field Political Science and International Relations and other social sciences disciplines in academic institutions at home and abroad S
Prepared by and Date ÖZGÜR KAYMAK , January 2024
Course Coordinator CANSU GÜLEÇ
Semester Fall
Name of Instructor Öğr. Gör. ÖZGÜR KAYMAK

Course Contents

Week Subject
1) Introduction, course overview, Sociological Approaches to Minority-Majority Groups
2) Historical and Contemporary Conceptions and Theoretical Frameworks on Minority Groups
3) Theories and concepts relating to intergroup dynamics; diversity and inequality among majority and minority groups
4) Belonging for Ethnic-Racial and Religious Minorities
5) Prejudice, Discrimination, Stereotyping, Implicit Bias
6) Gendered Conflict & War
7) Memory Studies (1): Memory and Minorities
8) Presentations: Critical Reflection of a Film-Presentation/Book/Memoir
9) Memory Studies (2): Politics of Remembrance
10) Modern Turkey and It’s Minorities (1)
11) Modern Turkey and It’s Minorities (2)
12) Protecting the Cultural Heritage of Minority Groups
13) The Opressed Majority and Beyond Turkey: Women and LGBTQ+
14) Age, Body and Disability
15) Research Presentations
16) Research Presentations (2)
Required/Recommended ReadingsThe Sharlene Nagy Hesse-Biber. (2007). Ch:3 “Selling the Body Beautiful: Food Dieting, and Recovery”, in the Cult of Thinness. Ellen Jean Samuels. (2003). “My Body, My Closet: Invisible Disability and the Limits of Coming-Out Discourse”. A Journal of Lesbian and Gay Studies 9(1):233-255. Erdman Farrell, Amy (2011). “Fat and the Uncivilized Body.” In Fat Shame by A. Erdman Farrell. New York: New York University Press. pp. 59-81. Bozoğlu, Gönül, Kristensen and Norskov. 2021. “The phantom Mausoleum: Contemporary local heritages of a wonder of the ancient world in Bodrum, Turkey”. Sage Journals. Kaymak, Özgür. (2017). İstanbul’da Az(ınlık) Olmak: Gündelik Hayatta Rumlar, Yahudiler, Ermeniler. İstanbul: Libra. Adkins, Jenny. (2003). Trauma and The Politics of Memory. Cambridge University Press. (pp. 156-223). Bozoğlu, Gönül. 2020. Museums, emotions and memory culture: the politics of the past in Turkey.London and New York: Routledge. Karakaya, Yağmur, Alejandro Baer. (2019). “Such Hatred Has Never Flourished on Our Soil: The Politics of Holocaust Memory in Turkey and Spain”, Sociological Forum, Vol.34 No.3, pp.2-25. Bayar, Yeşim. (2014). “In pursuit of homogeneity: the Lausanne Conference, minorities and the Turkish nation”. The Journal of Nationalism and Etnicity, 42-1. pp: 1-20. Soner Alpan, Aytek. (2012). “But the Memory Remains: History, Memory and the 1923 Greco-Turkish Population Exchange”. Department of Neohellenic Research / Institute of Historical Research Volume IX. pp:1-32. Toplumsal Tarih Özel Sayı. Hirschon, Renee. (2000). Mübadele Çocukları (Sözlü tarih). İstanbul: Tarih Vakfı Yurt Yayınları. Assman, Jan. (2010). “Communicative and Cultural Memory”, A Companion to Cultural Memory Studies, (Germany: De Gruyter). Halbawchs, Maurice. (1992). On Collective Memory. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Hirsch, Marianne. (2012). Family Frames, photography, narrative and postmemory. USA & England: Harvard University Press. Connerton, Paul. (2014). Toplumlar Nasıl Anımsar. Çev. Alaaddin Şenel, 2. bs. İstanbul: Ayrıntı Yayınları. Paul Ricoeur. (2006). Memory, History, Forgetting. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Pierre Nora. (2006). Hafıza Mekanları. Ankara: Dost Kitabevi. The Sharlene Nagy Hesse-Biber. (2007). Ch:3 “Selling the Body Beautiful: Food Dieting, and Recovery”, in the Cult of Thinness. Ellen Jean Samuels. (2003). “My Body, My Closet: Invisible Disability and the Limits of Coming-Out Discourse”. A Journal of Lesbian and Gay Studies 9(1):233-255. Leibelt, C. Bollinger, S. and Vierke, U. (eds.). 2022. Beauty and the Norm. Palgrave Studies in Globalization and Embodiment, Palgrave Macmillian. (related pages will be annnounced) Erdman Farrell, Amy (2011). “Fat and the Uncivilized Body.” In Fat Shame by A. Erdman Farrell. New York: New York University Press. pp. 59-81. Bozoğlu, Gönül, Kristensen and Norskov. 2021. “The phantom Mausoleum: Contemporary local heritages of a wonder of the ancient world in Bodrum, Turkey”. Sage Journals. ( Kaymak, Özgür. (2017). İstanbul’da Az(ınlık) Olmak: Gündelik Hayatta Rumlar, Yahudiler, Ermeniler. İstanbul: Libra. Adkins, Jenny. (2003). Trauma and The Politics of Memory. Cambridge University Press. (pp. 156-223). Bozoğlu, Gönül. 2020. Museums, emotions and memory culture: the politics of the past in Turkey.London and New York: Routledge. Karakaya, Yağmur, Alejandro Baer. (2019). “Such Hatred Has Never Flourished on Our Soil: The Politics of Holocaust Memory in Turkey and Spain”, Sociological Forum, Vol.34 No.3, pp.2-25. Bayar, Yeşim. (2014). “In pursuit of homogeneity: the Lausanne Conference, minorities and the Turkish nation”. The Journal of Nationalism and Etnicity, 42-1. pp: 1-20. Soner Alpan, Aytek. (2012). “But the Memory Remains: History, Memory and the 1923 Greco-Turkish Population Exchange”. Department of Neohellenic Research / Institute of Historical Research Volume IX. pp:1-32. Toplumsal Tarih Özel Sayı. Hirschon, Renee. (2000). Mübadele Çocukları (Sözlü tarih). İstanbul: Tarih Vakfı Yurt Yayınları. Assman, Jan. (2010). “Communicative and Cultural Memory”, A Companion to Cultural Memory Studies, (Germany: De Gruyter). Halbawchs, Maurice. (1992). On Collective Memory. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Hirsch, Marianne. (2012). Family Frames, photography, narrative and postmemory. USA & England: Harvard University Press. Connerton, Paul. (2014). Toplumlar Nasıl Anımsar. Çev. Alaaddin Şenel, 2. bs. İstanbul: Ayrıntı Yayınları. Paul Ricoeur. (2006). Memory, History, Forgetting. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Pierre Nora. (2006). Hafıza Mekanları. Ankara: Dost Kitabevi. Esra Özyürek. (2012). Hatırladıklarıyla ve Unuttuklarıyla Türkiye’nin Toplumsal Hafızası. İstanbul: İletişim. Mithat Sancar. (2014). Geçmişle Hesaplaşma, Unutma Kültüründen Hatırlama Kültürüne. 4. bs. İstanbul: İletişim. Altınay, Ayşe Gül, Petö, Adrianne. (2016). Gendered Wars, Gendered Memories: Feminist Conversations on War, Genocide and Political Violence. New York: Routledge. Amy E., Randall. (der.). (2015). Genocide and Gender in the Twentieth Century, A Comparative Survey. London & New York: Bloomsbury Academic. (related pages will be announced). Jacobs, Janet. (2016). “The Memorial at Srebrenica: Gender and the social meanings of collective memory in Bosnia-Herzegovina”, Sage Memory Studies, 1-17. Lipstadt, E. Deborah. (2019). Antisemitism Here and Now. Penguin House. Blumer, Herbert. (1958). “Race Prejudice as a Sense of Group Position”. Sage. Vol.1. No.1. N. Bali, Rıfat. (2017). Türkiye’de Holokost Tüketimi (1989-2017). Libra: İstanbul. Bahar, İzzet. (2015). Turkey and the Rescue of European Jews. Routledge. & Guttstadt, Cory. (2016). Türkiye, Yahudiler ve Holokost. 2. baskı. İletişim: İstanbul. N. Bali, Rıfat. (2017). Antisemitism and Conspiracy Theories in Turkey. Libra: Istanbul. Salim Nefes, Türkay. (2015). Online Anti-Semitisim in Turkey. Palgrave. Amy Gutman (ed). (1994). Charles Taylor “The Politics of Recognition”. İçinde Multucultiralism, Examining The Politics of Recognition. Princeton University Press. Kymlicka, Will. (2003). Multicultural Citizenship, Liberal Theory of Minority Rights. Part: 3-7-8. Oxford University Press. Eisenberg, Spinner-Halev. Part-2: Multiculturalism and feminism: no simple question, no simple answers, Susan Moller Okin. Part-2: Gender versus culture: not always a deep disagreement, Anne Phillips. Eisenberg, Spinner-Halev. Introduction. Part-1: Tolerable Liberalism. Part-12: Identity and liberal politics, the problem of minorities within minorities. Iris Marion Young. (2004). “Two concepts of Self-determination”, p.176-199. İçinde Ethnicity, Nationalism and Minority Rights, (ed.) May, Modood, Squires. Cambridge University Press. Judith Okely, “Constructing Difference: Gypsies as "Other"”, Anthropological Journal on European Cultures, 1994, Vol. 3, No. 2, pp. 55-73. Stuart Hall. Brubaker, Rogers. (2004). “Ethnicity Without Groups”. İçinde Ethnicity, Nationalism and Minority Rights, (ed.) May, Modood, Squires. p.50-78. Cambridge University Press. Smith, D. Anthony. (1988). “From Ethnie to Nation”. The Ethnic Origins of the Nation. p.153-174. Blackwell. Cornell, Stephen E., Hartmann, Douglas. (2012). Ethnicity and Race: Making Identities in a Changing World. 2nd edition. Sociology for a New Century Series. Pine Forge Press. Schaefer, Richard T. (2015). Racial and Ethnic Groups. 14th edition. Pearson. Eisenberg, Avigail, Spinner-Halev, Jeff (eds.). (2005). Minorities within Minorities: Equality, Rights and Diversity. Cambridge University Press.
Teaching MethodsLecture with expectation from students to actively participate in class discussion. Response papers and Reflection Papers will help students to take part in classroom discussion. Teamwork will be encouraged in preparation of a film/book/memoir critique and research and presentations.
Homework and Projects2 response papers, 2 reflection papers; film/book/memoir critique presentation, final research and presentation
Laboratory WorkNONE.
Computer UseYOK.
Other ActivitiesNONE.
Assessment Methods
Assessment Tools Count Weight
Attendance 14 % 20
Homework Assignments 1 % 25
Presentation 1 % 35
Paper Submission 4 % 20
TOTAL % 100
Course Administration

Attendance and active participation are required. There would be no late presentations and make up exams unless medical report provided. MEF university values academic integrity. Therefore, all students must understand the meaning and consequences of cheating, plagiarism and other academic offences under the code of student conduct and disciplinary procedures The University requires honesty of all its members in their academic work. Students are also expected to strictly adhere to the following rules and regulations regarding academic honesty.

ECTS Student Workload Estimation

Activity No/Weeks Hours Calculation
No/Weeks per Semester Preparing for the Activity Spent in the Activity Itself Completing the Activity Requirements
Course Hours 14 0 2 2 56
Presentations / Seminar 5 12 2 70
Total Workload 126
Total Workload/25 5.0