School/Faculty/Institute Graduate School
Course Code HUK 562
Course Title in English Protection of Property in the Context of Environmental Rights
Course Title in Turkish Çevre Hakkı Bağlamında Mülkiyetin Korunması
Language of Instruction TR
Type of Course Lecture
Level of Course Select
Semester Spring
Contact Hours per Week
Lecture: 2 Recitation: Lab: Other:
Estimated Student Workload 140 hours per semester
Number of Credits 6 ECTS
Grading Mode Standard Letter Grade
Pre-requisites None
Expected Prior Knowledge -
Co-requisites None
Registration Restrictions Graduate Students Only
Overall Educational Objective To learn the relationship between environmental problems that have become a global problem and property rights.
Course Description Attempts to limitless consumption of the world's limited resources by humans have led to global problems. These problems have reached a level that exceeds the dimensions of classical property law and the regulations regarding environmental rights regulated in constitutions. This has led to new legal, social and political problems related to the protection of property rights, as well as insurmountable legal, social and political problems such as global warming, climate change, deterioration of ecological balance, and decrease in water and energy resources. On the one hand, trying to combat these growing problems globally, on the other hand, the necessity of protecting the right to a sustainable environment in a balanced environment and using the property right in harmony with social benefit has led to the emergence of a multidisciplinary field that brings together lawyers, international relations experts, economists and sociologists.The aim of this course is to seek ways and solutions to solve the difficult problems explained above with people operating in all these different fields.
Course Description in Turkish Dünyanın sınırlı kaynaklarının insanlar tarafından sınırsızca tüketilmeye çalışılması, küresel çapta sorunlara yol açtı. Bu sorunlar, klasik anlamda mülkiyet hukukunun ve anayasalarda düzenlenen çevre hakkına ilişkin düzenlemelerin boyutlarını aşan bir seviyeye geldi. Bu hem mülkiyet hakkının korunmasıyla ilgili hem de küresel ısınma, iklim değişikliği, ekolojik dengenin bozulması, su ve enerji kaynaklarının azalması gibi başedilmesi mümkün olmayan hukuksal, toplumsal, siyasal yeni sorunlara yol açtı. Bir yandan küresel anlamda giderek büyüyen bu sorunlarla mücadele etmeye çalışmak, diğer yandan dengeli bir çevrede sürdürebilir bir çevre hakkını korunması ve mülkiyet hakkının toplumsal yararla uyumlu şekilde kullanılması zorunluluğu hukukçuları, uluslarası ilişkiler uzmanlarını, ekonomistleri, sosyologları bir araya getiren, multidisipliner bir alanın doğmasına sebep oldu. Bu ders ile tüm bu farklı alanda faaliyet gösteren kişilerle yukarıda açıklanan çözülmesi zor sorunların çözümüne yönelik yolların ve çözümlerin aranması hedefine varılması amaçlanmaktır.

Course Learning Outcomes and Competences

Upon successful completion of the course, the learner is expected to be able to:
1) Knows what the right to property is.
2) Establishes a relationship between property rights and environmental problems.
3) Approaches property rights and environmental problems from a multidisciplinary perspective.
Program Learning Outcomes/Course Learning Outcomes 1 2 3
1) An enhancement of the theoretical and practical skills obtained during the undergraduate degree for the subjects within the domain of public law.
2) An updated knowledge of developments in jurisprudence and legislation.
3) An ability to diagnose sources of legal disputes in the domain of public law, and to apply rules and regulations for solving these disputes.
4) A capability to critically analyse existing regulations and theory and to propose new insights to old and new problems occurring in the domain of public law.
5) An ability to describe processes and theories both verbally and in writing on national and international platforms within the field of public law.
6) An awareness of social, scientific and ethical values regarding public law field all related professional activities.
7) An ability to communicate in English both verbally and in writing at European Language Portfolio General Level B2.
8) An understanding of social and environmental aspects of legislative and jurisprudential measures and theories.

Relation to Program Outcomes and Competences

N None S Supportive H Highly Related
Program Outcomes and Competences Level Assessed by
1) An enhancement of the theoretical and practical skills obtained during the undergraduate degree for the subjects within the domain of public law. H HW,Participation,Presentation
2) An updated knowledge of developments in jurisprudence and legislation. H Participation,Presentation
3) An ability to diagnose sources of legal disputes in the domain of public law, and to apply rules and regulations for solving these disputes. H Participation,Presentation
4) A capability to critically analyse existing regulations and theory and to propose new insights to old and new problems occurring in the domain of public law. H Participation
5) An ability to describe processes and theories both verbally and in writing on national and international platforms within the field of public law. S Participation
6) An awareness of social, scientific and ethical values regarding public law field all related professional activities. N
7) An ability to communicate in English both verbally and in writing at European Language Portfolio General Level B2. N
8) An understanding of social and environmental aspects of legislative and jurisprudential measures and theories. S Participation
Prepared by and Date , February 2024
Course Coordinator AKTS1
Semester Spring
Name of Instructor Prof. Dr. SÜHEYL BATUM

Course Contents

Week Subject
1) Concept of Property Right
2) Limits on the Regulation and Exercise of the Right to Property in Constitutional and Legal Legislation
3) Property Right and the Concept of "Sustainable, Balanced Environment"
4) Restrictions Arising from Zoning Laws (Example Art. 18)
5) Concept of Expropriation and Property
6) Expropriation and Property Rights; National and International Case Law
7) Expropriation and Property Rights; National and International Case Law
8) Concept of Property Right and Zoning Prohibitions
9) Right to Property and the Principle of Respect for Private and Family Life
10) Right to Property and the Principle of Respect for Private and Family Life
11) The Right to the Environment under Article 1 of Additional Protocol 1 to the ECHR
12) Right to Life and Protection of Ecological System
13) The Concept of the Right to the City and the Relationship between the Right to Property
14) Evaluation of Homework and Discussion
15) Evaluation of Homework and Discussion
15) Evaluation of Homework and Discussion
Required/Recommended Readings- Mahmut Boynudelik, Ekolojik Anayasa, Yeni İnsan Yayınevi, 2011 - Fritjof Capra, Ugo Mattei, Hukukun Ekolojisi: Doğa ve Toplumla Uyumlu Bir Hukuk Sistemine Doğru, Koç Üniversitesi Yayınları, 2017 - Environment and the European Convention on Human Rights - M. Yunus Bilgili, Anayasal Bir Hak Olarak Çevre Hakkı, Çankırı Karatekin Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 6 (2): 563-584. - Serkan Köybaşı, İklim Değişikliğine Karşı Yeşil Anayasalcılık, On iki Levha Yayınları, 2023
Teaching MethodsLecture, reading of course materials, homework presentations on key concepts and decisions
Homework and Projects
Laboratory Work
Computer Use
Other Activities
Assessment Methods
Assessment Tools Count Weight
Quiz(zes) 1 % 20
Presentation 1 % 30
Final Examination 1 % 50
TOTAL % 100
Course Administration

Derse haftalık okumaların yapılarak gelinmesi beklenilmektedir. Ödevler hazırlanırken akademik yazım kurallarına dikkat edilmesi gerekmektedir. Derste kayıt almak yasaktır. Etik kurallara aykırılık ve intihale müsamaha gösterilmez ve bu durumların tespiti halinde öğrenci dersten başarısız olur. Ayrıca durum Enstitü’ye bildirilir. Kopya çekmek veya çektirmek ve intihal yapmak 2547 Sayılı Yüksek Öğretim Kanunu'nun 54. Maddesi’ne tabi olacaktır.

ECTS Student Workload Estimation

Activity No/Weeks Hours Calculation
No/Weeks per Semester Preparing for the Activity Spent in the Activity Itself Completing the Activity Requirements
Course Hours 14 2 2 2 84
Presentations / Seminar 1 10 2 12
Homework Assignments 1 14 14
Quiz(zes) 1 12 2 14
Final Examination 1 14 2 16
Total Workload 140
Total Workload/25 5.6