School/Faculty/Institute Faculty of Economics, Administrative and Social Sciences
Course Code HCIV 101
Course Title in English History of Civilizations I
Course Title in Turkish Uygarliklar Tarihi I
Language of Instruction EN
Type of Course Flipped Classroom
Level of Course Introductory
Semester Fall
Contact Hours per Week
Lecture: 3 Recitation: None Lab: None Other: None
Estimated Student Workload 130 hours per semester
Number of Credits 5 ECTS
Grading Mode Standard Letter Grade
Pre-requisites None
Expected Prior Knowledge None
Co-requisites None
Registration Restrictions Only undergraduate students
Overall Educational Objective To comprehend the political, social and economic dynamics that prompted the rise and fall of civilizations in an interactive and discussion-oriented class environment.
Course Description This course primarily introduces the rise and the development of major world civilizations. In addition to the Classical Greek, Roman and Western civilizations, it will also cover Chinese, Indian, Islamic and early American civilizations to avoid a Eurocentric conception of world history. The dynamics of state formation and state-society linkages will constitute the major focuses of lectures and class discussions.
Course Description in Turkish

Course Learning Outcomes and Competences

Upon successful completion of the course, the learner is expected to be able to:
1) understand the world before the rise of civilizations
2) identify the causes of the rise of first civilizations
3) explain the emergence of social classes and inequalities with the rise of civilizations
4) understand the main dynamics of religions in the first civilizations
5) explain the main dynamics of the state structures and bureaucracies in the first civilizations
Program Learning Outcomes/Course Learning Outcomes 1 2 3 4 5
1) Thorough knowledge of the major concepts, theoretical perspectives, empirical findings, and historical trends in psychology.
2) Understanding of and ability to apply essential research methods in psychology, including research design, data analysis, and data interpretation.
3) Competence to use critical and creative thinking, skeptical inquiry and a scientific approach to solving problems related to behavior and mental processes.
4) Understanding and ability to apply psychological principles, skills and values in personal, social, and organizational contexts.
5) Ability to weigh evidence, to tolerate ambiguity, and to reflect other values that underpin psychology as a discipline.
6) Internalization and dissemination of professional ethical standards.
7) Demonstration of competence in information technologies, and the ability to use computer and other technologies for purposes related to the pursuit of knowledge in psychology and the broader social sciences.
8) Skills to communicate the knowledge of psychological science effectively, in a variety of formats, in both Turkish and in English (in English, at least CEFR B2 level).
9) Recognition, understanding, and respect for the complexity of sociocultural and international diversity.
10) Recognition for the need for, and the skills to pursue, lifelong learning, inquiry, and self-improvement.
11) Ability to formulate critical hypotheses based on psychological theory and literature, and design studies to test those hypotheses.
12) Ability to acquire knowledge independently, and to plan one’s own learning.
13) Demonstration of advanced competence in the clarity and composition of written work and presentations.

Relation to Program Outcomes and Competences

N None S Supportive H Highly Related
Program Outcomes and Competences Level Assessed by
1) Thorough knowledge of the major concepts, theoretical perspectives, empirical findings, and historical trends in psychology. N
2) Understanding of and ability to apply essential research methods in psychology, including research design, data analysis, and data interpretation. N
3) Competence to use critical and creative thinking, skeptical inquiry and a scientific approach to solving problems related to behavior and mental processes. H Exam,HW,Participation
4) Understanding and ability to apply psychological principles, skills and values in personal, social, and organizational contexts. N
5) Ability to weigh evidence, to tolerate ambiguity, and to reflect other values that underpin psychology as a discipline. N
6) Internalization and dissemination of professional ethical standards. N
7) Demonstration of competence in information technologies, and the ability to use computer and other technologies for purposes related to the pursuit of knowledge in psychology and the broader social sciences. N
8) Skills to communicate the knowledge of psychological science effectively, in a variety of formats, in both Turkish and in English (in English, at least CEFR B2 level). N
9) Recognition, understanding, and respect for the complexity of sociocultural and international diversity. S Participation
10) Recognition for the need for, and the skills to pursue, lifelong learning, inquiry, and self-improvement. S HW,Participation
11) Ability to formulate critical hypotheses based on psychological theory and literature, and design studies to test those hypotheses. N
12) Ability to acquire knowledge independently, and to plan one’s own learning. S Exam,HW
13) Demonstration of advanced competence in the clarity and composition of written work and presentations. H Exam,HW
Prepared by and Date BEGÜM UZUN TAŞKIN , December 2023
Course Coordinator BEGÜM UZUN TAŞKIN
Semester Fall
Name of Instructor Asst. Prof. Dr. BEGÜM UZUN TAŞKIN

Course Contents

Week Subject
1) Introduction
2) The Classical Greek Civilization I
3) The Classical Greek Civilization II
4) Chinese Civilization
5) Indian Civilization
6) From Roman Republic to World Empire
7) Midterm exam
8) The Western Civilization in the Early Middle Ages
9) The Byzantium State and Society
10) The Formation and Expansion of the Islamic Civilization
11) African Civilizations in Post-Classical Age
12) Europe in the High Middle Ages
13) Early Civilizations of the Americas
14) Renaissance
15) Final examination period
16) Final examination period
Required/Recommended ReadingsThe Heritage of World Civilizations, Combined Volume, 10e by Albert M. Craig, William A. Graham, Donald M. Kagan, Steven Ozment, Frank M. Turner. Revel book of Pearson.
Teaching MethodsFlipped Classroom methods such as pre-class videos, pre-class assignments, group discussions, quizzes, and post-class assessments.
Homework and ProjectsBlackboard Assignments
Laboratory WorkNone
Computer UseNone
Other ActivitiesNone
Assessment Methods
Assessment Tools Count Weight
Attendance 14 % 15
Homework Assignments 4 % 20
Midterm(s) 1 % 30
Final Examination 1 % 35
TOTAL % 100
Course Administration

Students are expected to attend class regularly, do the required readings for each week and participate in class discussions. Students who miss the midterm exam are required to submit a doctor’s report and/or to communicate with the instructor about their excuses for missing the exam in order to take a make-up exam. Students should respect points of view different than their own during class discussions. They should also avoid racist and sexist comments during the discussions. For issues of academic dishonesty and plagiarism, the Higher Education Council of Turkey (YÖK) Disciplinary Regulations apply.

ECTS Student Workload Estimation

Activity No/Weeks Hours Calculation
No/Weeks per Semester Preparing for the Activity Spent in the Activity Itself Completing the Activity Requirements
Course Hours 13 2 3 2 91
Homework Assignments 4 1 1 8
Midterm(s) 1 9 2 11
Final Examination 1 20 20
Total Workload 130
Total Workload/25 5.2