School/Faculty/Institute Faculty of Education
Course Code ELE 304
Course Title in English Methods of Teachings Mathematics II
Course Title in Turkish Methods of Teachings Mathematics II
Language of Instruction EN
Type of Course Flipped Classroom
Level of Course Seçiniz
Semester Fall
Contact Hours per Week
Lecture: 3 Recitation: Lab: Other:
Estimated Student Workload 137 hours per semester
Number of Credits 5 ECTS
Grading Mode Standard Letter Grade
Pre-requisites ELE 303 - Methods of Teaching Mathematics I
Expected Prior Knowledge ELE 303 ( Mathematics Teaching Methods I)
Co-requisites None
Registration Restrictions None
Overall Educational Objective This course is an extension of Methods of Teaching Mathematics I where prospective teachers learn different teaching methods, curriculum and assessment methods in mathematics education. In this course, prospective teachers will focus on specifically on producing lesson plans, exams, curriculum materials to be used in their field experiences. They will focus on children’s thinking, collaborative learning, learning with problem solving and project-based learning.
Course Description This course will provide opportunities for prospective middle school mathematics teachers to gain the skills to understand and apply the principles of effective mathematics teaching. In the course, special approaches and strategies will be taught to the subjects of mathematics taught in secondary school. In particular, subjects such as lesson planning, question writing, and assessment and evaluation will be examined.
Course Description in Turkish Bu ders ortaokul matematik öğretmeni adaylarına etkili matematik öğretiminin prensiplerini anlamayı ve bunları uygulama becerilerini kazandırmak için fırsatlar sunacaktır. Derste ortaokulda okutulan matematik konularına özel yaklaşım ve stratejiler öğretilecektir. Özellikle, ders planlaması, soru yazımı ve ölçme ve değerlendirme gibi konular incelenecektir.

Course Learning Outcomes and Competences

Upon successful completion of the course, the learner is expected to be able to:
1) understand mathematics in schools and the nature of mathematics education;
2) relates, applies and extends mathematics knowledge with secondary school mathematics curricula;
3) apply various teaching techniques in mathematics classrooms;
4) observes, designs, teaches and evaluates student-centered lessons in mathematics;
5) analyzes teaching skills observed in peers and others;
6) Can use appropriate tools and software to create mathematical documents for use in the classroom.
Program Learning Outcomes/Course Learning Outcomes 1 2 3 4 5 6
1) Apply effective and student-centered specific teaching methods and strategies in order to improve students’ mathematical thinking and problem solving skills.
2) Design lesson plans based on how students learn mathematics and students’ difficulties in learning mathematics.
3) Demonstrate knowledge in various areas of mathematics (such as analysis, algebra, linear algebra, geometry, topology, mathematical modeling, statistics and probability, differential equations) and nature of science and mathematics.
4) Display knowledge and skills in developing programs, teaching technologies and materials in order to teach mathematics in effective and meaningful ways based on student needs.
5) Evaluate and assess students’ individual developmental paths, difficulties in understanding mathematics in multiple ways and use assessment results in improving teaching and learning.
6) Have an awareness of students’ social, cultural, economic and cognitive differences and plan the lessons and activities based on this awareness.
7) Collaborate and respectively communicate with colleagues and student parents such that students learn mathematics in best ways and at the same time feel happy and safe. Work effectively within teams of their own discipline and multi-disciplinary as well as take individual responsibility when they work alone.
8) Have awareness of need for life-long learning. Access information and following developments in education, science and technology. Display skills of solving problems related to their field, renew and improve themselves and critically analyze and question their own work. Use information technologies in effective ways.
9) Use scientific investigation effectively to solve problems in mathematics teaching and learning based on scientific methods. Critically investigate, analyze and make a synthesis of data, and develop solutions to problems based on data and scientific sources.
10) Exhibit skills of communicating effectively in oral and written Turkish and command of English at least at B2 general level of European Language Portfolio.
11) Have awareness of and sensitivity to different cultures, values and students’ democratic rights.
12) Display ethical and professional responsibilities. Have awareness of national and universal sensitivities that are expressed in National Education Fundamentals Laws.
13) Demonstrate consciousness and sensitivity towards preserving nature and environment in the process of developing lesson activities.
14) Display knowledge in national culture and history as well as international cultures and recognize their richness. Have awareness of and participate to developments in society, culture, arts and technology.

Relation to Program Outcomes and Competences

N None S Supportive H Highly Related
Program Outcomes and Competences Level Assessed by
1) Apply effective and student-centered specific teaching methods and strategies in order to improve students’ mathematical thinking and problem solving skills. H Participation,Presentation
2) Design lesson plans based on how students learn mathematics and students’ difficulties in learning mathematics. H HW,Participation
3) Demonstrate knowledge in various areas of mathematics (such as analysis, algebra, linear algebra, geometry, topology, mathematical modeling, statistics and probability, differential equations) and nature of science and mathematics. S HW,Presentation
4) Display knowledge and skills in developing programs, teaching technologies and materials in order to teach mathematics in effective and meaningful ways based on student needs. H HW
5) Evaluate and assess students’ individual developmental paths, difficulties in understanding mathematics in multiple ways and use assessment results in improving teaching and learning. H Exam,Participation,Presentation
6) Have an awareness of students’ social, cultural, economic and cognitive differences and plan the lessons and activities based on this awareness. S Select,Participation
7) Collaborate and respectively communicate with colleagues and student parents such that students learn mathematics in best ways and at the same time feel happy and safe. Work effectively within teams of their own discipline and multi-disciplinary as well as take individual responsibility when they work alone. H Select,Participation
8) Have awareness of need for life-long learning. Access information and following developments in education, science and technology. Display skills of solving problems related to their field, renew and improve themselves and critically analyze and question their own work. Use information technologies in effective ways. S HW,Participation
9) Use scientific investigation effectively to solve problems in mathematics teaching and learning based on scientific methods. Critically investigate, analyze and make a synthesis of data, and develop solutions to problems based on data and scientific sources. N
10) Exhibit skills of communicating effectively in oral and written Turkish and command of English at least at B2 general level of European Language Portfolio. S Participation
11) Have awareness of and sensitivity to different cultures, values and students’ democratic rights. N
12) Display ethical and professional responsibilities. Have awareness of national and universal sensitivities that are expressed in National Education Fundamentals Laws. H Project
13) Demonstrate consciousness and sensitivity towards preserving nature and environment in the process of developing lesson activities. N
14) Display knowledge in national culture and history as well as international cultures and recognize their richness. Have awareness of and participate to developments in society, culture, arts and technology. N
Prepared by and Date CENGİZ ALACACI ,
Course Coordinator BENGİ BİRGİLİ
Semester Fall
Name of Instructor Prof. Dr. RUKİYE DİDEM TAYLAN

Course Contents

Week Subject
1) Course orientation
2) Classroom discourse
3) Classroom discourse
4) Teaching math to special education and gifted students
5) Differentiating mathematical tasks
6) Teaching mathematics using manipulatives Teaching math using technology
7) Assessment in teaching middle school mathematics, Constructing tests and Alternative assessment.
8) Homework in middle school mathematics, Assigning and evaluating homework
9) Teaching math using technology Microteaching (teaching using technology)
10) Teaching mathematics using literature and art (no microteaching)
11) Teaching math using history Microteaching (teaching using storytelling)
12) Take home Midterm
13) Microteaching (mathematics using art) Presentatations on Teaching
14) Microteaching (mathematics and history) Presentations on teaching
15) Final
Required/Recommended ReadingsVan De Walle, J., Karp, K. S., & Bay-Williams, J. M. (2010). Elementary and middle school mathematics: teaching developmentally (7th ed.). Boston: Allyn & Bacon. Libr call number: QA135.5 .V335 2001. Alacaci, C.,&Erbas, A.K. (2010). Unpacking the inequality among Turkish schools: Findings from PISA 2006. International Journal of Educational Development. 30(2), 182-192. Alacaci, C. & McDonald, G. (2012). The impact of technology on high school mathematics curriculum. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education, 3(1), 21-34. Barger, R.T. (2009). Gifted, Talented and High Achieving. Teaching Children Mathematics, 154-161. Lovin, L., Kyger, M. & Allsopp, (2004). Differentiation for Special Needs Learners. Teaching Children Mathematics, 158-167. McGatha, M.B. & Darcy, P. (2010). Rubrics as formative assessment tools. Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School, 15(6), 328-336. Smith, M.S., Stein, M.K., Arbaugh, F., Brown, C.A., &Mossgrove, J. (2004). Characterizing the cognitive demands of mathematical tasks. In G.W. Bright and R.N. Rubenstein (Eds.), Professional development guidebook for perspectives on the teaching of mathematics (pp ). Reston, VA: NCTM. Wieman, R. &Arbaugh, F. (2014). Making Homework More Meaningful. Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School, 20(3), 160-165.
Teaching MethodsLecture, class discussions and reflections, in class mictoteaching, writing assignments, field observations and projects.
Homework and ProjectsIt should be noted that an important base and part of course activities is reading the required textbook. This is an expectation that some students may not be accustomed to, but is essential to thoroughly understanding the course. Students should do assigned pre-class work (such as watching case videos, reading papers and chapters of the textbook) and come to class prepared to discuss and contribute to class deliberations. Also, students are expected to write weekly field observation logs on assigned themes, plan lessons (sometimes collaboratively), enact teaching in class and at field schools and write reflections on these experiences. Students are expected to get engaged in activities that are of benefit to students of the schools that they are placed and document and report on these activities.
Laboratory WorkNone
Computer UseNone
Other ActivitiesMicroteaching in the classroom, field school placements, field observations, field teaching.
Assessment Methods
Assessment Tools Count Weight
Attendance 1 % 10
Homework Assignments 1 % 45
Midterm(s) 1 % 15
Final Examination 1 % 30
TOTAL % 100
Course Administration

ECTS Student Workload Estimation

Activity No/Weeks Hours Calculation
No/Weeks per Semester Preparing for the Activity Spent in the Activity Itself Completing the Activity Requirements
Course Hours 14 0 4 2 84
Project 3 12 36
Midterm(s) 1 4 2 6
Final Examination 1 8 3 11
Total Workload 137
Total Workload/25 5.5