School/Faculty/Institute Faculty of Economics, Administrative and Social Sciences
Course Code PSYC 373
Course Title in English Psychological Trauma
Course Title in Turkish Psikolojik Travma
Language of Instruction EN
Type of Course Flipped Classroom
Level of Course Intermediate
Semester Fall
Contact Hours per Week
Lecture: 3 Recitation: Lab: Other:
Estimated Student Workload 146 hours per semester
Number of Credits 6 ECTS
Grading Mode Standard Letter Grade
Pre-requisites PSYC 208 - Adult Psychopathology | PSYC 301 - Child and Adolescent Psychopathology
Expected Prior Knowledge Adult psychopathology OR Child and adolescent psychopathology
Co-requisites None
Registration Restrictions Only Undergraduate Students
Overall Educational Objective To learn the field of psychological trauma by examining various issues in this field; to become familiar with possible effects of trauma, symptoms of trauma-related disorders and intervention methods.
Course Description This course familiarizes students with a comprehensive exploration on the field of psychological trauma. By this course, we will focus on history, etiology, psychological theories and neurobiology of trauma. Students will be also introduced to diagnosis and treatment of trauma-related disorders, particularly post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in the scope of this course. At the end of the semester, students should also become familiar to the concepts of post-traumatic growth, resilience and reconstruction concepts.
Course Description in Turkish Bu ders öğrencileri psikolojik travma alanında kapsamlı bir keşifle tanıştırır. Bu ders ile travmanın tarihi, etiyolojisi, psikolojik teorileri ve nörobiyolojisine odaklanacağız. Ayrıca, bu ders kapsamında öğrencilere travma ile ilişkili bozuklukları, özellikle travma sonrası stres bozukluğunun (TSSB) tanı ve tedavisi tanıtılacaktır.

Course Learning Outcomes and Competences

Upon successful completion of the course, the learner is expected to be able to:
1) understand the fundamental theories in major subdisciplines of psychology;
2) evaluate scientific articles in relation to the research methods and theories employed;
3) demonstrate confidence comprehending English and communicating it in a scientific manner;
4) create new research ideas;
5) discuss psychological theories and research in the correct ethical format.
Program Learning Outcomes/Course Learning Outcomes 1 2 3 4 5
1) Thorough knowledge of the major concepts, theoretical perspectives, empirical findings, and historical trends in psychology.
2) Understanding of and ability to apply essential research methods in psychology, including research design, data analysis, and data interpretation.
3) Competence to use critical and creative thinking, skeptical inquiry and a scientific approach to solving problems related to behavior and mental processes.
4) Understanding and ability to apply psychological principles, skills and values in personal, social, and organizational contexts.
5) Ability to weigh evidence, to tolerate ambiguity, and to reflect other values that underpin psychology as a discipline.
6) Internalization and dissemination of professional ethical standards.
7) Demonstration of competence in information technologies, and the ability to use computer and other technologies for purposes related to the pursuit of knowledge in psychology and the broader social sciences.
8) Skills to communicate the knowledge of psychological science effectively, in a variety of formats, in both Turkish and in English (in English, at least CEFR B2 level).
9) Recognition, understanding, and respect for the complexity of sociocultural and international diversity.
10) Recognition for the need for, and the skills to pursue, lifelong learning, inquiry, and self-improvement.
11) Ability to formulate critical hypotheses based on psychological theory and literature, and design studies to test those hypotheses.
12) Ability to acquire knowledge independently, and to plan one’s own learning.
13) Demonstration of advanced competence in the clarity and composition of written work and presentations.

Relation to Program Outcomes and Competences

N None S Supportive H Highly Related
Program Outcomes and Competences Level Assessed by
1) Thorough knowledge of the major concepts, theoretical perspectives, empirical findings, and historical trends in psychology. H Exam
2) Understanding of and ability to apply essential research methods in psychology, including research design, data analysis, and data interpretation. S Participation
3) Competence to use critical and creative thinking, skeptical inquiry and a scientific approach to solving problems related to behavior and mental processes. S Participation
4) Understanding and ability to apply psychological principles, skills and values in personal, social, and organizational contexts. S
5) Ability to weigh evidence, to tolerate ambiguity, and to reflect other values that underpin psychology as a discipline. S Participation
6) Internalization and dissemination of professional ethical standards. S
7) Demonstration of competence in information technologies, and the ability to use computer and other technologies for purposes related to the pursuit of knowledge in psychology and the broader social sciences. N
8) Skills to communicate the knowledge of psychological science effectively, in a variety of formats, in both Turkish and in English (in English, at least CEFR B2 level). H Exam,Participation
9) Recognition, understanding, and respect for the complexity of sociocultural and international diversity. S Participation
10) Recognition for the need for, and the skills to pursue, lifelong learning, inquiry, and self-improvement. S Participation
11) Ability to formulate critical hypotheses based on psychological theory and literature, and design studies to test those hypotheses. H Exam
12) Ability to acquire knowledge independently, and to plan one’s own learning. S Participation
13) Demonstration of advanced competence in the clarity and composition of written work and presentations. H Participation
Prepared by and Date SENA CÜRE ACER , December 2023
Course Coordinator SENA CÜRE ACER
Semester Fall
Name of Instructor

Course Contents

Week Subject
1) Overview of the course and Syllabus Review Definition of Trauma History of Trauma
2) Scope of Traumatic Life Events
3) Psychological Theories of Trauma
4) The Effects of Trauma on Health and Well-Being
5) The Effects of Trauma on Children and Families
6) Psychobiology of Trauma
9) Overview of Trauma-Related Disorders
10) A Brief History and Symptoms of PTSD
11) Assessment of PTSD Risk and Protective Factors for PTSD
12) Overview of the Trauma-Informed Interventions
13) Case Formulation from Different Perspectives
14) Trauma Resiliency and Posttraumatic Growth
15) Final Examination Period
16) Final Examination Period
Required/Recommended ReadingsRequired Textbook: Briere, J. N., & Scott, C. (2014). Principles of trauma therapy: A guide to symptoms, evaluation, and treatment (DSM-5 update). Sage Publications. Perry, B. D., & Szalavitz, M. (2017). The boy who was raised as a dog: And other stories from a child psychiatrist's notebook. What traumatized children can teach us about loss, love, and healing. Basic Books. Herman, J. L. (1997). Trauma and recovery. NY: Basic Books. ISBN: 0465087302 The Body Keeps the Score: Brain, Mind, and Body in the Healing of Trauma. Penguin Books Wolynn, M. (2017). It Didn't Start with You: How Inherited Family Trauma Shapes Who We Are and How to End the Cycle. Penguin life. Cori, J.L. (2017).The Emotionally Absent Mother, Updated and Expanded Second Edition: How to Recognize and Heal the Invisible Effects of Childhood Emotional Neglect. The Experiment. Additional readings will be provided throughout the semester.
Teaching MethodsThis course will be taught entirely in the flipped format. Students are expected to have completed introductory online lecture and the assigned readings prior to coming to class for each week. During class time, students will be first evaluated about whether they develop basic conceptual understanding of the assigned online lecture and reading materials. Then, students will be encouraged to discuss readings in English with the help of the instructor. Each member of the class should prepare a list of questions which will be used to generate discussion in every week. Questions might concern conceptual/theoretical issues, as well as issues concerning the application of research findings. Students will be encouraged to maintain active and open communication while sharing their questions. Students’ most time-efficient means for learning the course materials is probably to skim the relevant textbook material in advance and then attend lectures. Participation in these discussions is required. The purpose of the discussion questions is to guide and inspire our class discussion of the material. A good question is one that has several answers or produce different opinions. Students should try to be creative when preparing a question.
Homework and ProjectsEach member of the class will be asked to read the articles and prepare a list of questions which will be used to generate discussion. Students will be encouraged to coordinate one of the discussion sessions of the course relying on the assigned required reading. Each week students will prepare assignments and in-class activities related to psychological trauma based on the reading assigned weekly.
Laboratory Work
Computer Use
Other ActivitiesStudents will be asked to read each week’s book chapter and article prior to that week’s classroom session. Classroom discussions will be based on these readings based on psychological trauma.
Assessment Methods
Assessment Tools Count Weight
Attendance 14 % 15
Application 1 % 15
Midterm(s) 1 % 35
Final Examination 1 % 35
TOTAL % 100
Course Administration

Attendance to classes is mandatory. However, mere attendance is not enough. Students are also expected to participate in class discussions. If they are absent from class, they are still responsible for turning in any assignment that might be due. Students must provide a legitimate, acceptable and documented excuse for missing a scheduled exam. There will be a make-up exam if students miss the midterm. Make-up exams could be in a different format than midterm or final exam. Students are expected to treat university personnel and one another respectfully at all times; this includes showing respect for class content and for others’ opinions. The commitment of acts of cheating, lying, and deceit in any of their diverse forms such as plagiarism, and copying during examinations is dishonest and will not be tolerated. Academic dishonesty and plagiarism: YÖK Disciplinary Regulation.

ECTS Student Workload Estimation

Activity No/Weeks Hours Calculation
No/Weeks per Semester Preparing for the Activity Spent in the Activity Itself Completing the Activity Requirements
Course Hours 14 2 3 2 98
Application 1 8 8
Midterm(s) 1 12 2 14
Final Examination 1 24 2 26
Total Workload 146
Total Workload/25 5.8