School/Faculty/Institute Faculty of Education
Course Code PCG 434
Course Title in English Expressive Arts Methodologies in Guidance and Psychological Counseling
Course Title in Turkish Rehberlik ve Psikolojik Danışmanlıkta Dışavurumcu Sanat Terapisi
Language of Instruction EN
Type of Course Flipped Classroom
Level of Course Introductory
Semester Fall
Contact Hours per Week
Lecture: 3 Recitation: Lab: Other:
Estimated Student Workload 136 hours per semester
Number of Credits 5 ECTS
Grading Mode Standard Letter Grade
Pre-requisites None
Expected Prior Knowledge None
Co-requisites None
Registration Restrictions Only Undergraduate Students
Overall Educational Objective To learn the principles and practices of expressive arts, dance/movement, drama, music therapy, and to understand how these disciplines can be integrated into clinical work and build on their prospective professional practice.
Course Description This course provides an introduction to the history, philosophy and theory of art-based therapies. Students will study the unique features of different media of creative expressive arts expressions: visual art, dance/movement, drama, creative writing and poetry, storytelling and music. The class will explore the integration of the arts in therapeutic practice by utilizing readings, lectures, films and experiential exercises.
Course Description in Turkish Bu ders sanat temelli terapilerin tarihine, felsefesine ve teorisine bir giriş yaptıktan sonra öğrenciler, yaratıcı ifade sanatlarının farklı şekillerde kullanımının özelliklerini inceleyecekler: görsel sanatlar, dans/hareket, drama, yaratıcı yazı ve şiir, hikâye anlatımı ve müzik. Öğrenciler ders anlatımı, okumalar, filmler ve deneyimsel alıştırmalar/egzersizler aracılığıyla sanatın terapötik uygulamaya entegrasyonunu keşfedecekler.

Course Learning Outcomes and Competences

Upon successful completion of the course, the learner is expected to be able to:
1) understand the developmental, psychological, and neurological theory underlying the use of the expressive arts in counseling and therapeutic contexts
2) demonstrate an in-depth understanding of contemporary art-based approaches in psychological counseling
3) show an understanding of multiple expressive media and apply them in real life
4) know a repertoire of approaches for the application of expressive arts in counseling and therapeutic contexts
5) determine which expressive media provide the best fit for you as practitioner and for the populations with whom they work
6) demonstrate skills related to developing, constructing, and presenting an art-based program counseling program. This includes professional writing skills.
Program Learning Outcomes/Course Learning Outcomes 1 2 3 4 5 6
1) Thorough knowledge of the major concepts, theoretical perspectives, empirical findings, and historical trends in psychology.
2) Understanding of and ability to apply essential research methods in psychology, including research design, data analysis, and data interpretation.
3) Competence to use critical and creative thinking, skeptical inquiry and a scientific approach to solving problems related to behavior and mental processes.
4) Understanding and ability to apply psychological principles, skills and values in personal, social, and organizational contexts.
5) Ability to weigh evidence, to tolerate ambiguity, and to reflect other values that underpin psychology as a discipline.
6) Internalization and dissemination of professional ethical standards.
7) Demonstration of competence in information technologies, and the ability to use computer and other technologies for purposes related to the pursuit of knowledge in psychology and the broader social sciences.
8) Skills to communicate the knowledge of psychological science effectively, in a variety of formats, in both Turkish and in English (in English, at least CEFR B2 level).
9) Recognition, understanding, and respect for the complexity of sociocultural and international diversity.
10) Recognition for the need for, and the skills to pursue, lifelong learning, inquiry, and self-improvement.
11) Ability to formulate critical hypotheses based on psychological theory and literature, and design studies to test those hypotheses.
12) Ability to acquire knowledge independently, and to plan one’s own learning.
13) Demonstration of advanced competence in the clarity and composition of written work and presentations.

Relation to Program Outcomes and Competences

N None S Supportive H Highly Related
Program Outcomes and Competences Level Assessed by
1) Thorough knowledge of the major concepts, theoretical perspectives, empirical findings, and historical trends in psychology. N
2) Understanding of and ability to apply essential research methods in psychology, including research design, data analysis, and data interpretation. N
3) Competence to use critical and creative thinking, skeptical inquiry and a scientific approach to solving problems related to behavior and mental processes. H Exam,HW,Participation
4) Understanding and ability to apply psychological principles, skills and values in personal, social, and organizational contexts. N
5) Ability to weigh evidence, to tolerate ambiguity, and to reflect other values that underpin psychology as a discipline. N
6) Internalization and dissemination of professional ethical standards. N
7) Demonstration of competence in information technologies, and the ability to use computer and other technologies for purposes related to the pursuit of knowledge in psychology and the broader social sciences. N
8) Skills to communicate the knowledge of psychological science effectively, in a variety of formats, in both Turkish and in English (in English, at least CEFR B2 level). N
9) Recognition, understanding, and respect for the complexity of sociocultural and international diversity. S Participation
10) Recognition for the need for, and the skills to pursue, lifelong learning, inquiry, and self-improvement. S HW,Participation
11) Ability to formulate critical hypotheses based on psychological theory and literature, and design studies to test those hypotheses. N
12) Ability to acquire knowledge independently, and to plan one’s own learning. S Exam,HW
13) Demonstration of advanced competence in the clarity and composition of written work and presentations. H Exam,HW
Prepared by and Date SERVET ALTAN , February 2024
Course Coordinator SERVET ALTAN
Semester Fall
Name of Instructor Asst. Prof. Dr. MELİKE ACAR

Course Contents

Week Subject
1) Check-in as a class / Introduction to the course and syllabus review
2) What are Expressive Arts?
3) Philosophical Discourse on Themes Related to Expressive Arts / Assignment 1 (Reflection Paper)
4) Expressive Arts Oriented Visual Arts
5) Expressive Arts Oriented Music and Poetry
6) Expressive Arts Oriented Psychodrama
7) Expressive Arts Oriented Psychodrama / Linking Practice Dyad Groups Formation (Dyads + Observers)
8) Assignment 2 / Linking Practice Dyad Groups Experience Week 1
9) Assignment 2 / Linking Practice Dyad Groups Experience Week 2
10) Linking Practice Dyad Assignment Due and Oral Reflections
11) Expressive Arts Oriented Dance and Movement
12) Expressive Arts Oriented Story Telling
13) Community Art for Education and Social and Change Participatory Research / Assignment 3: Developing a Community Art Project
14) Community Art for Education and Social and Change Participatory Research / Assignment 3: Developing a Community Art Project
15) Presentations of Community Art Projects
16) Presentations of Community Art Projects
Required/Recommended ReadingsArticles for each week and suggested books will be provided.
Teaching MethodsFlipped learning. Constructivist. Student-centered. Activity-based.
Homework and ProjectsIndividual Assignment Article Reflection In-Class Self Journal Linking Practice Dyad Assignment Community Art Project Development Proposal and Presentation
Laboratory Work
Computer Use
Other Activities
Assessment Methods
Assessment Tools Count Weight
Attendance 1 % 30
Homework Assignments 1 % 30
Presentation 1 % 40
TOTAL % 100
Course Administration

Menekşe Onbaşı

ECTS Student Workload Estimation

Activity No/Weeks Hours Calculation
No/Weeks per Semester Preparing for the Activity Spent in the Activity Itself Completing the Activity Requirements
Course Hours 14 1 3 1 70
Presentations / Seminar 3 20 2 66
Total Workload 136
Total Workload/25 5.4