School/Faculty/Institute Graduate School
Course Code HUK 664
Course Title in English Administrative and Judicial Resolution of Tax Crimes and Misdemeanors and Current Approaches
Course Title in Turkish Vergi Suç ve Kabahatlerinin İdari ve Yargı Alanında Çözümlenmesi ve Güncel Sorunlar
Language of Instruction TR
Type of Course Lecture
Level of Course Advanced
Semester Fall
Contact Hours per Week
Lecture: 3 Recitation: 0 Lab: 0 Other: 0
Estimated Student Workload 188 hours per semester
Number of Credits 7.5 ECTS
Grading Mode Standard Letter Grade
Pre-requisites None
Expected Prior Knowledge None
Co-requisites None
Registration Restrictions Only PhD Students
Overall Educational Objective Perception of the sanctions of taxpayers' illegal acts and ways to avoid being a tax offender.
Course Description The types of tax crimes and misdemeanors are examined, the differences between the acts that constitute crimes and the acts deemed to be misdemeanors are explained, the sanctions are perceived, the ways of avoiding the sanctions regulated in the laws are examined, the current developments and opinions about the tax crimes and penalties in the administrative and judicial fields are discussed.
Course Description in Turkish Vergi suçları ve kabahatlerinin çeşitleri incelenir, suç oluşturan fiiller ile kabahat sayılan fiillerin aralarındaki farklar açıklanır, müeyyideler algılanır, müeyyidelerden kurtulmaya yol açan kanunlarda düzenlenmiş bulunan kurtulma yolları incelenir, idari ve yargı alanında vergi suç ve cezalarıyla ilgili güncel gelişmeler ve görüşler tartışılır.

Course Learning Outcomes and Competences

Upon successful completion of the course, the learner is expected to be able to:
1) It is understood which acts constitute what type of tax misdemeanor or crime.
2) Students determine the sanctions of tax crimes and misdemeanors.
3) Students analyze methods that eliminate or reduce tax crimes and misdemeanors.
4) Students analyze the ways of administrative and judicial control of tax crimes and misdemeanors.
Program Learning Outcomes/Course Learning Outcomes 1 2 3 4
1) *
2) *
3) *
4) *
5) *
6) *
7) *
8) *
9) *
10) *
11) *
12) *
13) *

Relation to Program Outcomes and Competences

N None S Supportive H Highly Related
Program Outcomes and Competences Level Assessed by
1) * H Exam,HW,Presentation
2) * H Exam,HW,Presentation
3) * H Exam,HW,Presentation
4) * H Presentation
5) * S Exam,HW,Presentation
6) * S Exam,HW,Presentation
7) * N
8) * N
9) * N
10) * N
11) * N
12) * N
13) * N
Prepared by and Date BİNNUR ÇELİK , January 2024
Course Coordinator AKTS1
Semester Fall
Name of Instructor

Course Contents

Week Subject
1) Tax offenses, tax jurisdiction
2) Tax offenses, tax jurisdiction
3) Tax offenses, tax jurisdiction
4) Tax offenses
5) Tax offenses, tax jurisdiction
6) Tax offenses, tax jurisdiction
7) Tax offenses, tax jurisdiction
8) Tax offenses, tax jurisdiction
9) Tax offenses, tax administration
10) Tax misdemeanors
11) Tax misdemeanors
12) Tax offenses
13) Tax offenses, tax administration
14) Administrative jurisdiction
15) End of Semester Exams
16) End of Semester Exams
Required/Recommended ReadingsThe decisions of the Council of State on tax crimes should be scanned, the provisions on tax crimes and misdemeanors regulated in the Tax Procedural Law and Law No. 6183 should be read both from the laws and from all relevant Tax Enforcement Law and Tax Procedural Law books, Criminal Law books should be read on issues related to criminal law. It is recommended to read current articles on tax crimes and misdemeanors.
Teaching MethodsA research and article-sized study should be prepared and presented.
Homework and Projects
Laboratory Work
Computer Use
Other Activities
Assessment Methods
Assessment Tools Count Weight
Laboratory 7 % 0
Homework Assignments 3 % 0
Presentation 1 % 30
Midterm(s) 1 % 70
Final Examination 1 % 0
TOTAL % 100
Course Administration

ECTS Student Workload Estimation

Activity No/Weeks Hours Calculation
No/Weeks per Semester Preparing for the Activity Spent in the Activity Itself Completing the Activity Requirements
Course Hours 14 3 3 2 112
Presentations / Seminar 1 32 2 2 36
Homework Assignments 1 40 40
Total Workload 188
Total Workload/25 7.5
ECTS 7.5