School/Faculty/Institute | Graduate School | ||||
Course Code | HUK 525 | ||||
Course Title in English | Preliminary Injunctions in Civil Procedure Law | ||||
Course Title in Turkish | Medenî Yargıda Geçici Hukuki Korumalar | ||||
Language of Instruction | TR | ||||
Type of Course | Lecture | ||||
Level of Course | Advanced | ||||
Semester | Spring,Fall | ||||
Contact Hours per Week |
Estimated Student Workload | 138 hours per semester | ||||
Number of Credits | 6 ECTS | ||||
Grading Mode | Standard Letter Grade | ||||
Pre-requisites | None | ||||
Co-requisites | None | ||||
Expected Prior Knowledge | None | ||||
Registration Restrictions | Master's Students Only | ||||
Overall Educational Objective | The aim is to learn about the legal nature and types of preliminary injunctions, to understand the infrastructure for assessing specific situations, and to evaluate current case law and legislative changes relating to preliminary injunctions in this context. | ||||
Course Description | Within the scope of this course, general and special provisions of preliminary injunctions and the judgements of the Court of Appeal will be discussed. |
Course Learning Outcomes and CompetencesUpon successful completion of the course, the learner is expected to be able to:1) Understand the common features of preliminary injunctions, 2) Understand the types of temporary legal protection. 3) Understand the the characteristics of preliminary injunctions procedures. 4) Understand the implementation of preliminary injunction decisions and the appeals that can be lodged against these decisions and apply them, taking into account the decisions of the higher courts. 5) Gain the ability to apply the current debates on preliminary injunctions in civil procedure to concrete cases in practice. |
Program Learning Outcomes/Course Learning Outcomes | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
1) An advanced and integrated understanding of the complex body of knowledge in the field of private law in general. | |||||
2) An advanced and integrated understanding of the complex body of knowledge in the field of private law specifically on the rules and principles governing contractual dealings, equitable doctrines, civil wrongs and private law remedies. | |||||
3) An advanced and integrated understanding of the complex body of knowledge in the field of private law specifically on current debates on the nature, basis and potential reform of private law doctrines | |||||
4) Expert, specialised cognitive and technical skills to independently analyse, critically reflect on and synthesise complex information, concepts and theories in the field of private law. | |||||
5) Expert, specialised cognitive and technical skills to independently research and apply such information, concepts and theories to the relevant body of knowledge and practice. | |||||
6) Expert, specialised cognitive and technical to independently interpret and transmit knowledge, skills and ideas to specialist and non-specialist audiences. | |||||
7) Knowledge and skills to demonstrate autonomy, expert judgment, adaptability and responsibility as a practitioner and learner in the field of private law. |
N None | S Supportive | H Highly Related |
Program Outcomes and Competences | Level | Assessed by | |
1) | An advanced and integrated understanding of the complex body of knowledge in the field of private law in general. | H | HW |
2) | An advanced and integrated understanding of the complex body of knowledge in the field of private law specifically on the rules and principles governing contractual dealings, equitable doctrines, civil wrongs and private law remedies. | H | HW,Presentation |
3) | An advanced and integrated understanding of the complex body of knowledge in the field of private law specifically on current debates on the nature, basis and potential reform of private law doctrines | H | HW,Presentation |
4) | Expert, specialised cognitive and technical skills to independently analyse, critically reflect on and synthesise complex information, concepts and theories in the field of private law. | S | |
5) | Expert, specialised cognitive and technical skills to independently research and apply such information, concepts and theories to the relevant body of knowledge and practice. | H | HW,Presentation |
6) | Expert, specialised cognitive and technical to independently interpret and transmit knowledge, skills and ideas to specialist and non-specialist audiences. | N | |
7) | Knowledge and skills to demonstrate autonomy, expert judgment, adaptability and responsibility as a practitioner and learner in the field of private law. | N |
Prepared by and Date | ÇİĞDEM YAZICI , |
Course Coordinator | AKTS1 |
Semester | Spring,Fall |
Name of Instructor | Assoc. Prof. Dr. ÇİĞDEM YAZICI |
Week | Subject |
1) | Concent of Preliminary Injunction and Proceedings |
2) | Types of Preliminary Injunctions |
3) | Evaluate the types of preliminary injunctions used in different areas such as family law, enforcement and bankruptcy law, intellectual and industrial property law. |
4) | Determination of presentation topics and presentation dates |
5) | Conducting the necessary research on presentation topics |
6) | Sending the presentation plan and resources to the lecturer |
7) | Preparing presentation content |
8) | Sharing and evaluating presentation content |
9) | Sharing and evaluating presentation content |
10) | Sharing and evaluating presentation content |
11) | Sharing and evaluating presentation content |
12) | Sharing and evaluating presentation content |
13) | Sharing and evaluating presentation content |
14) | Sharing and evaluating presentation content |
15) | Submission of the written assignments |
16) | Submission of the written assignments |
Required/Recommended Readings | Geçici Hukuki Himaye Tedbirleri-Ejder Yılmaz (2 Cilt) Haksız Rekabet Hukuku ile Fikri ve Sınai Mülkiyet Hukukunda İhtiyadi Tedbirler -Nevhis Deren Yıldırım Geçici Hukuki Korumanın Temelleri ve İhtiyati Tedbir-Evrim Erişir İcra İflas Hukukunda İhtiyati Haciz-Muhammet Özekes Readings will be provided by the lecturer on a weekly basis. | ||||||||||||
Teaching Methods | Theoretical lecture, weekly research topics and their presentation in class, preparation of homework in article format and presentation of this homework. | ||||||||||||
Homework and Projects | |||||||||||||
Laboratory Work | |||||||||||||
Computer Use | |||||||||||||
Other Activities | |||||||||||||
Assessment Methods |
Course Administration | posta adresi. Ödevler süresinde teslim edilmez ve planlanan tarihte hazırlayanın kendisi tarafından sunulmazsa değerlendirmeye alınmayacaktır. Derse haftalık okumaların yapılarak gelinmesi beklenmektedir. Ödevler hazırlanırken akademik yazım kurallarına dikkat edilmesi gerekmektedir. Derste kayıt almak yasaktır. Etik kurallara aykırılık ve intihale müsamaha gösterilmez ve bu durumların tespiti halinde öğrenci dersten başarısız olur. Ayrıca durum Ensititü’ye bildirilir. Disiplin soruşturmasının gerektiği durumlarda YÖK Öğrenci Disiplin Yönetmeliği uygulanacaktır. |
Activity | No/Weeks | Hours | Calculation | ||||
No/Weeks per Semester | Preparing for the Activity | Spent in the Activity Itself | Completing the Activity Requirements | ||||
Course Hours | 14 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 84 | ||
Presentations / Seminar | 1 | 20 | 2 | 1 | 23 | ||
Homework Assignments | 1 | 28 | 1 | 2 | 31 | ||
Total Workload | 138 | ||||||
Total Workload/25 | 5.5 | ||||||
ECTS | 6 |