School/Faculty/Institute Faculty of Law
Course Code LAW 237
Course Title in English Social Media Law
Course Title in Turkish Sosyal Medya Hukuku
Language of Instruction EN
Type of Course Lecture
Level of Course Seçiniz
Contact Hours per Week
Lecture: 2 Recitation: Lab: Other:
Estimated Student Workload hours per semester
Number of Credits 4 ECTS
Grading Mode Standard Letter Grade
Pre-requisites None
Expected Prior Knowledge None
Co-requisites None
Registration Restrictions Undergraduate Students Only
Overall Educational Objective To teach the basic concepts of social media law.
Course Description This course will provide students with an in-depth understanding of the legal aspects of social media, including the regulations, privacy concerns, intellectual property rights, freedom of expression and defamation issues that are relevant to the use of social media platforms. Students will explore the legal implications of posting content on social media and the use of social media for acts known as cyber-bullying, cyber-stalking, disinformation and market manipulation. Additionally, Turkish and comparative legislation regarding the regularization of social media outlets, challenges regarding criminal investigations on crimes committed on social media and jurisdictional issues shall be addressed.
Course Description in Turkish Bu ders, öğrencilere sosyal medya platformlarının kullanımıyla ilgili düzenlemeler, özel hayatın gizliliğine yönelik müdahaleler, fikri mülkiyet hakları, ifade özgürlüğü ve hakaret suçları dahil olmak üzere sosyal medyanın yasal yönleri hakkında derinlemesine bir anlayış sağlayacaktır. Öğrenciler, sosyal medyada içerik yayınlamanın yasal sonuçlarını ve siber zorbalık, ısrarlı takip, dezenformasyon ve piyasa manipülasyonu olarak bilinen eylemler için sosyal medyanın kullanımını keşfedeceklerdir. Ayrıca, sosyal medya mecralarının düzenlenmesine ilişkin Türk ve karşılaştırmalı mevzuat, sosyal medya üzerinden işlenen suçlara ilişkin cezai soruşturmalara ilişkin itirazlar ve yargı yetkisi konuları ele alınacaktır.

Course Learning Outcomes and Competences

Upon successful completion of the course, the learner is expected to be able to:
Program Learning Outcomes/Course Learning Outcomes
1) The ability to recognize and apply basic principles and theories of law, legal methodology, and interpretation methods.
2) The ability to follow, evaluate, interpret and apply the current developments and legislative amendments.
3) The ability to locate and use legal resources; to follow and evaluate current legislative amendments, legal science, and court decisions.
4) The ability to internalize social, scientific and ethical values while evaluating legal information.
5) The ability to recognize, examine and resolve legal issues with respect to general principles of law, de lege feranda and de lege lata; to take into consideration both national and international aspects of law; and to acknowledge the importance of personal conviction while making decisions.
6) The ability to critically analyze legal disputes, legislation, court decisions and different views in the legal science; to form his/her own opinions; to detect legal lacuna and suggest alternative solutions.
7) The ability to understand issues regarding different fields of law; to characterize and propose solutions to complex issues arising from legal practice.
8) The ability to participate in and organize legal projects and activities as a socially responsible individual; to put his/her legal knowledge and skill to use efficiently (in the public or private sector).
9) The ability to use a foreign language at least on a B2 Level on the European Language Portfolio, to follow legal developments and communicate with colleagues in that language; to use computer software and information and communication technologies necessary in the law field at an Advanced Level of the European Computer Driving License.
10) Adoption of a positive approach to the concept of lifelong learning.
11) The ability to understand the development, evolution, and problems of the society and to contribute to the solution of these problems by legal methods.
12) The ability to understand the structure, organization, and functioning of law on the national and international level; to contribute to the development thereof.

Relation to Program Outcomes and Competences

N None S Supportive H Highly Related
Program Outcomes and Competences Level Assessed by
1) The ability to recognize and apply basic principles and theories of law, legal methodology, and interpretation methods. N
2) The ability to follow, evaluate, interpret and apply the current developments and legislative amendments. N
3) The ability to locate and use legal resources; to follow and evaluate current legislative amendments, legal science, and court decisions. N
4) The ability to internalize social, scientific and ethical values while evaluating legal information. N
5) The ability to recognize, examine and resolve legal issues with respect to general principles of law, de lege feranda and de lege lata; to take into consideration both national and international aspects of law; and to acknowledge the importance of personal conviction while making decisions. N
6) The ability to critically analyze legal disputes, legislation, court decisions and different views in the legal science; to form his/her own opinions; to detect legal lacuna and suggest alternative solutions. N
7) The ability to understand issues regarding different fields of law; to characterize and propose solutions to complex issues arising from legal practice. N
8) The ability to participate in and organize legal projects and activities as a socially responsible individual; to put his/her legal knowledge and skill to use efficiently (in the public or private sector). N
9) The ability to use a foreign language at least on a B2 Level on the European Language Portfolio, to follow legal developments and communicate with colleagues in that language; to use computer software and information and communication technologies necessary in the law field at an Advanced Level of the European Computer Driving License. N
10) Adoption of a positive approach to the concept of lifelong learning. N
11) The ability to understand the development, evolution, and problems of the society and to contribute to the solution of these problems by legal methods. N
12) The ability to understand the structure, organization, and functioning of law on the national and international level; to contribute to the development thereof. N
Prepared by and Date ,
Course Coordinator RAĞIP BARIŞ ERMAN
Name of Instructor Asst. Prof. Dr. RAĞIP BARIŞ ERMAN

Course Contents

Week Subject
Required/Recommended Readings
Teaching MethodsLecture, student presentations & open class discussion
Homework and Projects
Laboratory Work
Computer Use
Other Activities
Assessment Methods
Assessment Tools Count Weight
Course Administration