LAW 328 Case Studies in LawMEF UniversityDegree Programs LawGeneral Information For StudentsDiploma SupplementErasmus Policy Statement
Bachelor Length of the Programme: 4 Number of Credits: 240 TR-NQF-HE: Level 6 QF-EHEA: First Cycle EQF: Level 6

Ders Genel Tanıtım Bilgileri

School/Faculty/Institute Faculty of Law
Course Code LAW 328
Course Title in English Case Studies in Law
Course Title in Turkish Hukukta Vaka Çalışmaları
Language of Instruction EN
Type of Course Lecture
Level of Course Introductory
Semester Spring,Fall
Contact Hours per Week
Lecture: 2 Recitation: Lab: Other:
Estimated Student Workload 94 hours per semester
Number of Credits 4 ECTS
Grading Mode Standard Letter Grade
Pre-requisites None
Expected Prior Knowledge None
Co-requisites None
Registration Restrictions Only Undergraduate Students
Overall Educational Objective Students will learn key cases in law
Course Description This program is designed to bring real life legal cases into the class room for open discussion. The case studies which will be presented are narratives of real-life events and ask students to identify and analyze the relevant legal, social, cultural, political, historic, ethical and scientific issues and developments involved. Through this experiential teaching methods, playing the role of protagonist – getting into the roles of lawyers / or policy maker/ or the perpetrator - in each case study- students will first view what has happened in real life and then they will formulate their approach for achieving workable solutions to conflicts, then discuss and debate their recommendations in class. This interactive class setting will provide the opportunity to discuss their understanding of the case, allows both students and instructors to connect active learning experiences back to a larger theoretical context and help students to acquire skills in critical analysis, problem solving and resolution of ethical dilemmas and teach fundamental lawyering skills such as investigating facts, counseling, and resolving ethical dilemmas.
Course Description in Turkish Bu bir “Hukukta Vaka Çalışması” programıdır. Bu ders, sosyal, kültürel, ekonomik, politik, etik, bilimsel izler bırakmış, değişime ve gelişmelere yol açmış gerçek hayattan hukuksal vakalr ve davalardan hareketle interaktif bir yapıda görülecektir. Öğrenciler kendilerine sunulan gerçek vaka çalışmaları yardımıyla hukukun içinden davaları görebilecekleri gibi bu davalar üzerinde kendilerini savunmanın, iddia makamının, mağdurun ya da failin kendisi, yakınları ve toplumun yerine koyarak, bir avukat gibi çalışarak ve tartışarak kendi analitik yaklaşımlarını, problem çözme, strateji geliştirme, arabuluculuk yapma, etik dilemmaları sonuçlandırma gibi becerilerini geliştirme ve teoriyle pratik arasında bir köprü kurma fırsatı bulacaklardır.

Course Learning Outcomes and Competences

Upon successful completion of the course, the learner is expected to be able to:
1) Build empathy for all parties effected by a case.
2) Learn ‘how to think like a lawyer.’
3) Think critically and understand the impact of creative approach in winning legal cases.
4) Articulate the relationship between legal advocacy, policy making and social change.
5) Understand the importance of 360 degrees analysis for building better defend mechanisms and winning a lawsuit.
6) See how past court cases have affected everyday life, societies and individual rights.
7) Analyze socio-political, ethical, cultural, economic impacts of lawsuits and decisions taken.
8) Develop interdisciplinary skills and acquire multidisciplinary knowledge regarding better legal advocacy at courts.
9) Critically evaluate lawsuits and decisions taken and challenge some of the myths surrounding judicial appointment.
Program Learning Outcomes/Course Learning Outcomes 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1) The ability to recognize and apply basic principles and theories of law, legal methodology, and interpretation methods.
2) The ability to follow, evaluate, interpret and apply the current developments and legislative amendments.
3) The ability to locate and use legal resources; to follow and evaluate current legislative amendments, legal science, and court decisions.
4) The ability to internalize social, scientific and ethical values while evaluating legal information.
5) The ability to recognize, examine and resolve legal issues with respect to general principles of law, de lege feranda and de lege lata; to take into consideration both national and international aspects of law; and to acknowledge the importance of personal conviction while making decisions.
6) The ability to critically analyze legal disputes, legislation, court decisions and different views in the legal science; to form his/her own opinions; to detect legal lacuna and suggest alternative solutions.
7) The ability to understand issues regarding different fields of law; to characterize and propose solutions to complex issues arising from legal practice.
8) The ability to participate in and organize legal projects and activities as a socially responsible individual; to put his/her legal knowledge and skill to use efficiently (in the public or private sector).
9) The ability to use a foreign language at least on a B2 Level on the European Language Portfolio, to follow legal developments and communicate with colleagues in that language; to use computer software and information and communication technologies necessary in the law field at an Advanced Level of the European Computer Driving License.
10) Adoption of a positive approach to the concept of lifelong learning.
11) The ability to understand the development, evolution, and problems of the society and to contribute to the solution of these problems by legal methods.
12) The ability to understand the structure, organization, and functioning of law on the national and international level; to contribute to the development thereof.

Relation to Program Outcomes and Competences

N None S Supportive H Highly Related
Program Outcomes and Competences Level Assessed by
1) The ability to recognize and apply basic principles and theories of law, legal methodology, and interpretation methods. S Participation,Presentation,Project
2) The ability to follow, evaluate, interpret and apply the current developments and legislative amendments. S Participation
3) The ability to locate and use legal resources; to follow and evaluate current legislative amendments, legal science, and court decisions. S Participation,Presentation
4) The ability to internalize social, scientific and ethical values while evaluating legal information. H Participation,Project
5) The ability to recognize, examine and resolve legal issues with respect to general principles of law, de lege feranda and de lege lata; to take into consideration both national and international aspects of law; and to acknowledge the importance of personal conviction while making decisions. S Participation,Presentation
6) The ability to critically analyze legal disputes, legislation, court decisions and different views in the legal science; to form his/her own opinions; to detect legal lacuna and suggest alternative solutions. H Participation,Project
7) The ability to understand issues regarding different fields of law; to characterize and propose solutions to complex issues arising from legal practice. H Project
8) The ability to participate in and organize legal projects and activities as a socially responsible individual; to put his/her legal knowledge and skill to use efficiently (in the public or private sector). H Project
9) The ability to use a foreign language at least on a B2 Level on the European Language Portfolio, to follow legal developments and communicate with colleagues in that language; to use computer software and information and communication technologies necessary in the law field at an Advanced Level of the European Computer Driving License. N
10) Adoption of a positive approach to the concept of lifelong learning. H Participation,Project
11) The ability to understand the development, evolution, and problems of the society and to contribute to the solution of these problems by legal methods. H Participation,Project
12) The ability to understand the structure, organization, and functioning of law on the national and international level; to contribute to the development thereof. H Participation
Prepared by and Date İPEK ÖZEL , November 2021
Course Coordinator İPEK ÖZEL
Semester Spring,Fall
Name of Instructor Öğr. Gör. İPEK ÖZEL

Course Contents

Week Subject
1) Setting The Scene, Introduction & Welcome
2) Exploring the Basic Concepts and Principles regarding case study in law
3) Basics of Methodology required for case study analysis
4) Human Rights, Terrorism and Counter-terrorism and state security
5) Human Rights, Terrorism and Counter-terrorism and state security
6) Art Ownership and The Growing Relationship between Art, Technolog and law
7) Art Ownership and The Growing Relationship between Art, Technolog and law
8) Prison studies, execution law and human rights of convicts
9) Prison studies, execution law and human rights of convicts
12) Protection of the right to asylum
13) Protection of the right to asylum
14) Review and discussions
Required/Recommended ReadingsGeneral references Real jurors' understanding of the law in real cases Authors Authors and affiliations by Alan Reifman Spencer M. Gusick Phoebe C. Ellsworth Concepts and Case Analysis in the Law of Contracts (Concepts and Insights) by Marvin Chirelstein Minds on Trial: Great Cases in Law and Psychology by Charles Patrick Ewing and Joseph T. McCann Euthanasia: Which "M" is it? Mercy or Murder? by Zakyah Basri For Discrimination: Race, Affirmative Action, and the Law by Randall Kennedy A Theory of Discrimination Law by Tarunabh Khaitan Understanding Gender Dysphoria: Navigating Transgender Issues in a Changing Culture by Mark A. Yarhouse Just Mercy: A Story of Justice and Redemption by Bryan Stevenson Against the Death Penalty by Stephen Breyer and John Bessler Debating the Death Penalty: Should America Have Capital Punishment? The Experts on Both Sides Make Their Case by Hugo Adam Bedau (Editor), Paul G. Cassell (Editor) Pursuing Justice: The Call to Live and Die for Bigger Things
by Ken Wytsma A People’s History of the United States
by Howard Zinn Freedom for the Thought That We Hate: A Biography of the First Amendment by Anthony Lewis Free Speech: A Very Short Introduction (Very Short Introductions) by Nigel Warburton Stolen Innocence: My Story of Growing Up in a Polygamous Sect, Becoming a Teenage Bride, and Breaking Free of Warren Jeffs by Elissa Wall and Lisa Pulitzer Zizek Haklı mı: Özgürlüğün sınırı “dünya” mı? Slavoj Zizek : "Antroposen'e Hoşgeldiniz"
Teaching MethodsLecture & open class discussion
Homework and Projects
Laboratory Work
Computer Use
Other Activities
Assessment Methods
Assessment Tools Count Weight
Quiz(zes) 6 % 40
Presentation 2 % 30
Project 2 % 30
TOTAL % 100
Course Administration

Rules for attendance: Attendance is mandatory per University policy. E-Mail: cc Missing an exam: Per University policy

ECTS Student Workload Estimation

Activity No/Weeks Hours Calculation
No/Weeks per Semester Preparing for the Activity Spent in the Activity Itself Completing the Activity Requirements
Course Hours 14 1 2 2 70
Laboratory 14 0 0
Presentations / Seminar 3 7 1 24
Total Workload 94
Total Workload/25 3.8