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Grading Scheme:
Grades included in the CGPA
Grade Numerical Value Total Number
Awarded in the
Reference Group
of the Total
A 4 10309 17.16%
A- 3.7 6118 10.18%
B+ 3.3 5747 9.56%
B 3 5158 8.58%
B- 2.7 5188 8.63%
C+ 2.3 4870 8.10%
C 2 4566 7.60%
C- 1.7 2909 4.84%
D+ 1.3 2281 3.80%
D 1 2663 4.43%
W 0 960 1.60%
F 0 7503 12.49%
FX 0 1443 2.40%
FZ 0 376 0.63%
60091 100%
Grades not included in the CGPA
Grade Definition Numerical
S Satisfactory -
EX Exempted -