MGMT 337 Business and Human RightsMEF UniversityDegree Programs PsychologyGeneral Information For StudentsDiploma SupplementErasmus Policy Statement
Bachelor Length of the Programme: 4 Number of Credits: 240 TR-NQF-HE: Level 6 QF-EHEA: First Cycle EQF: Level 6

Ders Genel Tanıtım Bilgileri

School/Faculty/Institute Faculty of Economics, Administrative and Social Sciences
Course Code MGMT 337
Course Title in English Business and Human Rights
Course Title in Turkish İş Dünyası ve İnsan Hakları
Language of Instruction EN
Type of Course Flipped Classroom
Level of Course Intermediate
Semester Fall
Contact Hours per Week
Lecture: 3 Recitation: Lab: Other:
Estimated Student Workload 119 hours per semester
Number of Credits 5 ECTS
Grading Mode Standard Letter Grade
Pre-requisites None
Expected Prior Knowledge None
Co-requisites None
Registration Restrictions Only Undergraduate Students
Overall Educational Objective To develop competence and knowledge of why the businesses need a human rights approach and how the businesses can develop a human rights policy.
Course Description Creating a business world that respects human rights and freedoms is a new topic. The adoption of the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights in 2011 and disasters such as Rana Plaza Case in Bangladesh accelerated this process. In this course, the business and human rights will be discussed in all its dimensions. Students will learn what human rights mean in the business world, why should companies deal with human rights issues, how companies can manage human rights risks, how to establish a human rights due diligence system, what are the legal regulations on business and human rights. The course will include conceptual frameworks as well as company case studies and will learn from the experiences of leading companies. Students will carry out a midterm project and a final project on how companies can manage human rights risks and on business and human rights case studies from Turkey and the world.
Course Description in Turkish İnsan hak ve özgürlüklerine saygılı bir iş dünyasının yaratılması son yıllarda tartışılmaya başlanan yeni bir konu. 2011 yılında Birleşmiş Milletlerin İş Dünyası ve İnsan Hakları Rehber İlkelerini kabul etmesi ve Bangladeş’te gerçekleşen Rana Plaza gibi facialar bu süreci hızlandırdı. Bu derste iş dünyası ve insan hakları meselesi tüm boyutlarıyla ele alınacaktır. Öğrenciler, iş dünyasında insan hakları ne demektir, şirketler neden insan hakları sorunları ile ilgilenmelidir, firmalar insan hakları risklerini nasıl yönetebilirler, insan hakları etki değerlendirme sistemi nasıl kurulur, iş dünyası ve insan hakları konusunda hukuki düzenlemeler nelerdir vb. konularda bilgi ve uygulamada yetkinlik sahibi olacaklardır. Öğrenciler şirketlerin insan hakları risklerini nasıl yönetebileceği konusunda ve Türkiye ve dünyadan iş dünyası ve insan hakları konusunda örnek vakalara ilişkin proje gerçekleştireceklerdir.

Course Learning Outcomes and Competences

Upon successful completion of the course, the learner is expected to be able to:
1) know the basic regulations, laws and international agreements on business and human rights;
2) explain how the business life may affect the human rights and why the companies they need a human rights policy;
3) define and describe the key steps to develop a human rights policy;
4) exhibit the skills to identify the human rights risks of a company;
5) demonstrate critical skills in proposing plans to develop a human rights due diligence system for businesses.
Program Learning Outcomes/Course Learning Outcomes 1 2 3 4 5
1) Thorough knowledge of the major concepts, theoretical perspectives, empirical findings, and historical trends in psychology.
2) Understanding of and ability to apply essential research methods in psychology, including research design, data analysis, and data interpretation.
3) Competence to use critical and creative thinking, skeptical inquiry and a scientific approach to solving problems related to behavior and mental processes.
4) Understanding and ability to apply psychological principles, skills and values in personal, social, and organizational contexts.
5) Ability to weigh evidence, to tolerate ambiguity, and to reflect other values that underpin psychology as a discipline.
6) Internalization and dissemination of professional ethical standards.
7) Demonstration of competence in information technologies, and the ability to use computer and other technologies for purposes related to the pursuit of knowledge in psychology and the broader social sciences.
8) Skills to communicate the knowledge of psychological science effectively, in a variety of formats, in both Turkish and in English (in English, at least CEFR B2 level).
9) Recognition, understanding, and respect for the complexity of sociocultural and international diversity.
10) Recognition for the need for, and the skills to pursue, lifelong learning, inquiry, and self-improvement.
11) Ability to formulate critical hypotheses based on psychological theory and literature, and design studies to test those hypotheses.
12) Ability to acquire knowledge independently, and to plan one’s own learning.
13) Demonstration of advanced competence in the clarity and composition of written work and presentations.

Relation to Program Outcomes and Competences

N None S Supportive H Highly Related
Program Outcomes and Competences Level Assessed by
1) Thorough knowledge of the major concepts, theoretical perspectives, empirical findings, and historical trends in psychology. N
2) Understanding of and ability to apply essential research methods in psychology, including research design, data analysis, and data interpretation. N
3) Competence to use critical and creative thinking, skeptical inquiry and a scientific approach to solving problems related to behavior and mental processes. H Exam,HW,Participation
4) Understanding and ability to apply psychological principles, skills and values in personal, social, and organizational contexts. N
5) Ability to weigh evidence, to tolerate ambiguity, and to reflect other values that underpin psychology as a discipline. N
6) Internalization and dissemination of professional ethical standards. N
7) Demonstration of competence in information technologies, and the ability to use computer and other technologies for purposes related to the pursuit of knowledge in psychology and the broader social sciences. N
8) Skills to communicate the knowledge of psychological science effectively, in a variety of formats, in both Turkish and in English (in English, at least CEFR B2 level). N
9) Recognition, understanding, and respect for the complexity of sociocultural and international diversity. S Participation
10) Recognition for the need for, and the skills to pursue, lifelong learning, inquiry, and self-improvement. S HW,Participation
11) Ability to formulate critical hypotheses based on psychological theory and literature, and design studies to test those hypotheses. N
12) Ability to acquire knowledge independently, and to plan one’s own learning. S Exam,HW
13) Demonstration of advanced competence in the clarity and composition of written work and presentations. H Exam,HW
Prepared by and Date HANDE KARADAĞ , May 2023
Course Coordinator HANDE KARADAĞ
Semester Fall
Name of Instructor

Course Contents

Week Subject
1) An introduction to business & human rights
2) National and International regulations and standards on business and human rights. (UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights)
3) What are the human rights issues for businesses? Why take action to address human rights issues?
4) The main human rights risks for the companies.
5) Case Study 1: Human rights risk mapping
6) Guest speaker 1
7) Midterm 1- Project presentations
8) Guest Speaker 2
9) Key steps to develop a human rights policy (stakeholders, suppliers, partners…etc)
10) Case Study 2-Analyzing code of conducts, code of ethics, human rights commitments of the Turkish companies
11) Establishing a human rights due diligence system 1 (political commitment, integration)
12) Establishing a human rights due diligence system 2 (remedy and grievance mechanisms, progress measurement indicators, reporting)
13) Guest Speaker 3
14) Challenges, future directions, advice from the leading companies
15) Final Projects Period
16) Final Projects Period
Required/Recommended ReadingsRequired: Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, United Nations(2011) Recommended: Desiree Abrahams&Yann Wyss, Guide to Human Rights Impact Assesment and Management (HRIAM), the International Busineess Forum and International Finance Cooperation. How to Develop a Human Rights Policy, United Nations Global Compact, Second Addition, 2015. Adressing Human Rights in Business, KPMG. 5 Steps towards managing the human rights impacts of your business, Network Germany&twentyfifty Company case studies, The Danish Institute for Human Rights.
Teaching MethodsClass presentations, readings, lectures, problem-solving activities, guest speakers, case studies, discussions, interactive conversations, individual and team-work activities, projects.
Homework and Projects
Laboratory Work
Computer UsePersonal computer use
Other Activities
Assessment Methods
Assessment Tools Count Weight
Attendance 1 % 30
Midterm(s) 1 % 30
Final Examination 1 % 40
TOTAL % 100
Course Administration

Students are always free and encouraged to give feedback and ask questions about the course via e-mail to instructor. Students are expected to attend all sessions and be in class on time. When they cannot attend due to a sickness (which should require a report from a full facility hospital) or an excuse accepted my MEF regulations, they should inform the instructors by mail. Academic dishonesty and plagiarism will be subject to the YÖK Disciplinary Regulation.

ECTS Student Workload Estimation

Activity No/Weeks Hours Calculation
No/Weeks per Semester Preparing for the Activity Spent in the Activity Itself Completing the Activity Requirements
Course Hours 14 2 3 1 84
Midterm(s) 1 16 2 18
Final Examination 1 15 2 17
Total Workload 119
Total Workload/25 4.8