English Language Teaching | |||||
Bachelor | Length of the Programme: 4 | Number of Credits: 240 | TR-NQF-HE: Level 6 | QF-EHEA: First Cycle | EQF: Level 6 |
1 - Knowledge |
Theoretical - Conceptual |
1) Integrate concepts related to ELT based on previous competencies and realize inter-conceptual relations; demonstrate an understanding of evaluating the source, limits, authenticity and reliability of knowledge and discuss the methods related to generating this knowledge. |
2) Demonstrate knowledge of applied linguistics as related to Second Language (L2) teaching and learning. |
3) Think critically and independently about topics in Second Language Acquisition and Teaching, which are: L2 use, L2 analysis, L2 processes, and L2 pedagogy and program administration. |
4) Define the aim, structure, and process of Turkish education system, the approaches of classroom management and the concepts related with education. |
5) Demonstrate an understanding of the concepts and constructs related to assessment; use a variety of assessment methods, tools, and strategies to evaluate competencies. |
6) Prepare daily lesson plans according to the contemporary language learning theories and practices, taking learning styles and multiple intelligences into consideration. |
7) Analyze and contrast the British and American Literature on basic level. Explain basic concepts and principles of using literature and drama and apply them in foreign language teaching. |
8) Present a model to the society in terms of attitudes and behavior, which are democratic and ethical, both in the disciplinary and social levels, get involved with quality management processes and provide sustainability. |
9) Take responsibilities individually and within group works, realize the tasks in a responsible and effective way, work individually and as a part of a group to solve problems encountered during implementation; assess himself as an individual, use creative and powerful qualifications and try to develop weak sides. |
10) Interpret social, economic, political and ideological conditions which have caused Turkish revolution; in accordance with Ataturk’s principles and reforms, and embrace the society, and adopt human ideals including love of home country, and national goals and aspirations. |
11) Select and use variety of information and communication technologies with computer software that is needed on the level of the field in the classroom to the level and beyond required by European Computer Use License. |
12) Gain life-long learning skills in the light of needs, follow social and art performances, show an awareness of the currently debated global issues, act in accordance with the regulations of Ministry of Education on issues such as legal responsibilities and rights, present an understanding of differences within national and international cultures and adaptability to different cultures; plan social responsibility activities and projects for the immediate environment. |
13) Display a willingness to co-operate with members of the teaching staff in their assigned school, communicate effectively with the school community and with society at large in the area of English language education. |
14) Demonstrate an ability to use English in C1 level of European Language Portfolio and foster an interest in learning another foreign language. |
2 - Skills |
Cognitive - Practical |
3 - Competences |
Communication and Social Competence |
Learning Competence |
Field Specific Competence |
Competence to Work Independently and Take Responsibility |
Program Learning Outcomes | TR-NQF-HE 6 (Bachelor) Level Descriptors | TR-NQF-HE Main Field Descriptors 14 - Teacher training and education science |
1 - Knowledge | ||
Theoretical - Conceptual | ||
1) Integrate concepts related to ELT based on previous competencies and realize inter-conceptual relations; demonstrate an understanding of evaluating the source, limits, authenticity and reliability of knowledge and discuss the methods related to generating this knowledge. 2) Demonstrate knowledge of applied linguistics as related to Second Language (L2) teaching and learning. 3) Think critically and independently about topics in Second Language Acquisition and Teaching, which are: L2 use, L2 analysis, L2 processes, and L2 pedagogy and program administration. 4) Define the aim, structure, and process of Turkish education system, the approaches of classroom management and the concepts related with education. 5) Demonstrate an understanding of the concepts and constructs related to assessment; use a variety of assessment methods, tools, and strategies to evaluate competencies. 6) Prepare daily lesson plans according to the contemporary language learning theories and practices, taking learning styles and multiple intelligences into consideration. 7) Analyze and contrast the British and American Literature on basic level. Explain basic concepts and principles of using literature and drama and apply them in foreign language teaching. 8) Present a model to the society in terms of attitudes and behavior, which are democratic and ethical, both in the disciplinary and social levels, get involved with quality management processes and provide sustainability. 9) Take responsibilities individually and within group works, realize the tasks in a responsible and effective way, work individually and as a part of a group to solve problems encountered during implementation; assess himself as an individual, use creative and powerful qualifications and try to develop weak sides. 10) Interpret social, economic, political and ideological conditions which have caused Turkish revolution; in accordance with Ataturk’s principles and reforms, and embrace the society, and adopt human ideals including love of home country, and national goals and aspirations. 11) Select and use variety of information and communication technologies with computer software that is needed on the level of the field in the classroom to the level and beyond required by European Computer Use License. 12) Gain life-long learning skills in the light of needs, follow social and art performances, show an awareness of the currently debated global issues, act in accordance with the regulations of Ministry of Education on issues such as legal responsibilities and rights, present an understanding of differences within national and international cultures and adaptability to different cultures; plan social responsibility activities and projects for the immediate environment. 13) Display a willingness to co-operate with members of the teaching staff in their assigned school, communicate effectively with the school community and with society at large in the area of English language education. 14) Demonstrate an ability to use English in C1 level of European Language Portfolio and foster an interest in learning another foreign language. |
1) Possess advanced level theoretical and practical knowledge supported by textbooks with updated information, practice equipments and other resources. |
1) Ortaöğretimde kazandığı yeterliliklere dayalı olarak; alanıyla ilgili kavramları ve kavramlar arası ilişkileri kavrar. 2) Bilginin doğası kaynağı, sınırları, doğruluğu, güvenirliliği ve geçerliliğinin değerlendirilmesi konusunda bilgi sahibidir. 3) Bilimsel bilginin üretimiyle ilgili yöntemleri tartışır. 4) Alanı ile ilgili öğretim programları, öğretim strateji, yöntem ve teknikleri ile ölçme ve değerlendirme bilgisine sahiptir. 5) Öğrencilerin gelişim, öğrenme özellikleri ve güçlüklerinin bilgisine sahiptir. 6) Ulusal ve uluslararası kültürleri tanır. |
2 - Skills | ||
Cognitive - Practical | ||
1) Use of advanced theoretical and practical knowledge within the field. 2) Interpret and evaluate data, define and analyze problems, develop solutions based on research and proofs by using acquired advanced knowledge and skills within the field. |
1) Alanıyla ilgili ileri düzeyde bilgi kaynaklarını kullanır. 2) Alanıyla ilgili olay ve olguları kavramsallaştırır, bilimsel yöntem ve tekniklerle inceler, verileri yorumlar ve değerlendirir. 3) Alanıyla ilgili sorunları tanımlar, analiz eder, kanıtlara ve araştırmalara dayalı çözüm önerileri geliştirir. 4) Öğrencilerin gelişim özelliklerini, bireysel farklılıklarını; konu alanının özelliklerini ve kazanımlarını dikkate alarak en uygun öğretim strateji, yöntem ve tekniklerini uygular. 5) Konu alanına ve öğrencinin gereksinimlerine uygun materyal geliştirir. 6) Öğrencinin kazanımlarını farklı yöntemler kullanarak çok yönlü değerlendirir. |
3 - Competences | ||
Communication and Social Competence | ||
1) Inform people and institutions, transfer ideas and solution proposals to problems in written and orally on issues in the field. 2) Share the ideas and solution proposals to problems on issues in the field with professionals and non-professionals by the support of qualitative and quantitative data. 3) Organize and implement project and activities for social environment with a sense of social responsibility. 4) Monitor the developments in the field and communicate with peers by using a foreign language at least at a level of European Language Portfolio B1 General Level. 5) Use informatics and communication technologies with at least a minimum level of European Computer Driving License Advanced Level software knowledge. |
1) Sanatsal ve kültürel etkinliklere etkin olarak katılır. 2) Toplumun ve dünyanın gündemindeki olaylara/gelişmelere duyarlı olduğunu gösterir ve ve bu gelişmeleri izler. 3) Toplumsal sorumluluk bilinciyle yaşadığı sosyal çevre için mesleki proje ve etkinlikler planlar ve uygular. 4) Alanıyla ilgili konularda ilgili kişi ve kurumları bilgilendirir. 5) Düşüncelerini ve sorunlara ilişkin çözüm önerilerini nicel ve nitel verilerle destekleyerek uzman olan ve olmayan kişilerle paylaşır. 6) Bir yabancı dili en az Avrupa Dil portföyü B1 düzeyinde kullanarak alanındaki bilgileri izler ve meslektaşları ile iletişim kurar. 7) Avrupa Bilgisayar Kullanma Lisansının ileri düzeyinde bilişim ve iletişim teknolojilerini kullanır. 8) Farklı kültürlerde yaşar ve sosyal yaşama uyum sağlar. |
Learning Competence | ||
1) Evaluate the knowledge and skills acquired at an advanced level in the field with a critical approach. 2) Determine learning needs and direct the learning. 3) Develop positive attitude towards lifelong learning. |
1) Edindiği bilgi ve becerileri eleştirel bir yaklaşımla değerlendirir. 2) Öğrenme gereksinimlerini belirler ve öğrenmesini yönlendirir. 3) Yaşam boyu öğrenmeye ilişkin olumlu bir tutum geliştirir. 4) Bilgiye ulaşma yollarını etkin bir şekilde kullanır. |
Field Specific Competence | ||
1) Act in accordance with social, scientific, cultural and ethic values on the stages of gathering, implementation and release of the results of data related to the field. 2) Possess sufficient consciousness about the issues of universality of social rights, social justice, quality, cultural values and also, environmental protection, worker's health and security. |
1) Dış görünüm, tutum, tavır ve davranışları ile topluma örnek olur. 2) Demokrasi, insan hakları, toplumsal, bilimsel ve mesleki etik değerlere uygun davranır. 3) Kalite yönetimi ve süreçlerine uygun davranır ve katılır. 4) Güvenli okul ortamının oluşturulması ve sürdürülebilmesi amacıyla kişisel ve kurumsal etkileşim kurar. 5) Çevre koruma ve iş güvenliği konularında yeterli bilince sahiptir. 6) Milli Eğitim Temel Kanunu'nda ifade edilen ulusal ve evrensel duyarlıkların bilincindedir. 7) Birey olarak ve alanıyla ilgili görev, hak ve sorumluluklarına ilişkin yasa yönetmelik ve mevzuata uygun davranır. |
Competence to Work Independently and Take Responsibility | ||
1) Conduct studies at an advanced level in the field independently. 2) Take responsibility both as a team member and individually in order to solve unexpected complex problems faced within the implementations in the field. 3) Planning and managing activities towards the development of subordinates in the framework of a project. |
1) Bireysel ve grup çalışmalarında sorumluluk alır ve alınan görevi etkin bir şekilde yerine getirir. 2) Kendini bir birey olarak tanır; yaratıcı ve güçlü yönlerini kullanır ve zayıf yönlerini geliştirir. 3) Uygulamada karşılaşılan ve öngörülemeyen karmaşık sorunları çözmek için bireysel ve ekip üyesi olarak sorumluluk alır. |
1) Integrate concepts related to ELT based on previous competencies and realize inter-conceptual relations; demonstrate an understanding of evaluating the source, limits, authenticity and reliability of knowledge and discuss the methods related to generating this knowledge. |
2) Demonstrate knowledge of applied linguistics as related to Second Language (L2) teaching and learning. |
3) Think critically and independently about topics in Second Language Acquisition and Teaching, which are: L2 use, L2 analysis, L2 processes, and L2 pedagogy and program administration. |
4) Define the aim, structure, and process of Turkish education system, the approaches of classroom management and the concepts related with education. |
5) Demonstrate an understanding of the concepts and constructs related to assessment; use a variety of assessment methods, tools, and strategies to evaluate competencies. |
6) Prepare daily lesson plans according to the contemporary language learning theories and practices, taking learning styles and multiple intelligences into consideration. |
7) Analyze and contrast the British and American Literature on basic level. Explain basic concepts and principles of using literature and drama and apply them in foreign language teaching. |
8) Present a model to the society in terms of attitudes and behavior, which are democratic and ethical, both in the disciplinary and social levels, get involved with quality management processes and provide sustainability. |
9) Take responsibilities individually and within group works, realize the tasks in a responsible and effective way, work individually and as a part of a group to solve problems encountered during implementation; assess himself as an individual, use creative and powerful qualifications and try to develop weak sides. |
10) Interpret social, economic, political and ideological conditions which have caused Turkish revolution; in accordance with Ataturk’s principles and reforms, and embrace the society, and adopt human ideals including love of home country, and national goals and aspirations. |
11) Select and use variety of information and communication technologies with computer software that is needed on the level of the field in the classroom to the level and beyond required by European Computer Use License. |
12) Gain life-long learning skills in the light of needs, follow social and art performances, show an awareness of the currently debated global issues, act in accordance with the regulations of Ministry of Education on issues such as legal responsibilities and rights, present an understanding of differences within national and international cultures and adaptability to different cultures; plan social responsibility activities and projects for the immediate environment. |
13) Display a willingness to co-operate with members of the teaching staff in their assigned school, communicate effectively with the school community and with society at large in the area of English language education. |
14) Demonstrate an ability to use English in C1 level of European Language Portfolio and foster an interest in learning another foreign language. |