EDS 339 Computer Programming for Educators (Python)MEF UniversityDegree Programs English Language TeachingGeneral Information For StudentsDiploma SupplementErasmus Policy Statement
English Language Teaching
Bachelor Length of the Programme: 4 Number of Credits: 240 TR-NQF-HE: Level 6 QF-EHEA: First Cycle EQF: Level 6

Ders Genel Tanıtım Bilgileri

School/Faculty/Institute Faculty of Education
Course Code EDS 339
Course Title in English Computer Programming for Educators (Python)
Course Title in Turkish Eğitimciler için Bilgisayar Programlama (Python)
Language of Instruction EN
Type of Course Flipped Classroom
Level of Course Seçiniz
Semester Fall
Contact Hours per Week
Lecture: 2 Recitation: Lab: 2 Other:
Estimated Student Workload 109 hours per semester
Number of Credits 5 ECTS
Grading Mode Standard Letter Grade
Pre-requisites None
Expected Prior Knowledge Basic use of computer and mathematics knowledge
Co-requisites None
Registration Restrictions Only Undergraduate Students
Overall Educational Objective To be equipped with programming skills and knowledge that enhance and support counseling practices.
Course Description This undergraduate course is tailored for prospective educators and school counselors seeking to develop programming skills specifically designed to enhance educational and counseling practices. Through this course, students will explore the application of programming in educational sciences and counseling, focusing on its potential to enhance their technology and counseling skills in the digital age. Students will engage in hands-on activities and projects, learning programming languages and techniques that enable them to design and develop educational software applications. Emphasis will be placed on creating interactive and engaging learning experiences that foster problem-solving, critical thinking, and creativity among students. By the end of the course, students will possess the necessary programming expertise to create online counseling tools and resources, empowering them to facilitate dynamic and innovative counseling environments for their future clients.
Course Description in Turkish Bu lisans düzeyindeki ders, eğitim ve danışmanlık uygulamalarını geliştirmek için özel olarak tasarlanmış programlama becerilerine sahip olmak isteyen potansiyel eğitimciler ve okul psikolojik danışmanları için uyarlanmıştır. Bu ders aracılığıyla öğrenciler, dijital çağda teknoloji ve danışmanlık becerilerini geliştirme potansiyeline odaklanarak eğitim bilimleri ve danışmanlıkta programlama uygulamasını keşfedeceklerdir. Öğrenciler, programlama dillerini ve tekniklerini öğrenerek el becerisi gerektiren etkinlikler ve projelerle meşgul olacaklar ve eğitsel yazılım uygulamalarını tasarlamak ve geliştirmek için gerekli bilgi ve beceriyi kazanacaklar. Vurgu, öğrenciler arasında problem çözme, eleştirel düşünme ve yaratıcılığı teşvik eden etkileşimli ve ilgi çekici öğrenme deneyimleri yaratmaya yönelik olacaktır. Kursun sonunda öğrenciler, çevrimiçi danışmanlık araçları ve kaynakları oluşturmak için gerekli programlama uzmanlığına sahip olacak ve gelecekteki danışanlarında dinamik ve yenilikçi danışmanlık ortamlarını kolaylaştırma konusunda onları güçlendirecektir.

Course Learning Outcomes and Competences

Upon successful completion of the course, the learner is expected to be able to:
1) describe programming languages and tools commonly used in educational contexts
2) apply programming skills to enhance students' counseling skills to support their clients in their counseling journey;
3) utilize programming to create interactive and engaging educational resources that foster problem-solving, critical thinking, and creativity among students;
4) demonstrate skills in utilizing programming to analyze psychoeducational data and make data-driven decisions;
5) exhibit ethical and responsible use of programming in counseling, ensuring privacy, security, and inclusivity;
6) demonstrate effective communication skills in explaining programming concepts and their applications in psychoeducational contexts and;
7) increase clients' awareness of their issues, providing tailored tools in counseling.
Program Learning Outcomes/Course Learning Outcomes 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1) Integrate concepts related to ELT based on previous competencies and realize inter-conceptual relations; demonstrate an understanding of evaluating the source, limits, authenticity and reliability of knowledge and discuss the methods related to generating this knowledge.
2) Demonstrate knowledge of applied linguistics as related to Second Language (L2) teaching and learning.
3) Think critically and independently about topics in Second Language Acquisition and Teaching, which are: L2 use, L2 analysis, L2 processes, and L2 pedagogy and program administration.
4) Define the aim, structure, and process of Turkish education system, the approaches of classroom management and the concepts related with education.
5) Demonstrate an understanding of the concepts and constructs related to assessment; use a variety of assessment methods, tools, and strategies to evaluate competencies.
6) Prepare daily lesson plans according to the contemporary language learning theories and practices, taking learning styles and multiple intelligences into consideration.
7) Analyze and contrast the British and American Literature on basic level. Explain basic concepts and principles of using literature and drama and apply them in foreign language teaching.
8) Present a model to the society in terms of attitudes and behavior, which are democratic and ethical, both in the disciplinary and social levels, get involved with quality management processes and provide sustainability.
9) Take responsibilities individually and within group works, realize the tasks in a responsible and effective way, work individually and as a part of a group to solve problems encountered during implementation; assess himself as an individual, use creative and powerful qualifications and try to develop weak sides.
10) Interpret social, economic, political and ideological conditions which have caused Turkish revolution; in accordance with Ataturk’s principles and reforms, and embrace the society, and adopt human ideals including love of home country, and national goals and aspirations.
11) Select and use variety of information and communication technologies with computer software that is needed on the level of the field in the classroom to the level and beyond required by European Computer Use License.
12) Gain life-long learning skills in the light of needs, follow social and art performances, show an awareness of the currently debated global issues, act in accordance with the regulations of Ministry of Education on issues such as legal responsibilities and rights, present an understanding of differences within national and international cultures and adaptability to different cultures; plan social responsibility activities and projects for the immediate environment.
13) Display a willingness to co-operate with members of the teaching staff in their assigned school, communicate effectively with the school community and with society at large in the area of English language education.
14) Demonstrate an ability to use English in C1 level of European Language Portfolio and foster an interest in learning another foreign language.

Relation to Program Outcomes and Competences

N None S Supportive H Highly Related
Program Outcomes and Competences Level Assessed by
1) Integrate concepts related to ELT based on previous competencies and realize inter-conceptual relations; demonstrate an understanding of evaluating the source, limits, authenticity and reliability of knowledge and discuss the methods related to generating this knowledge. S HW
2) Demonstrate knowledge of applied linguistics as related to Second Language (L2) teaching and learning. N
3) Think critically and independently about topics in Second Language Acquisition and Teaching, which are: L2 use, L2 analysis, L2 processes, and L2 pedagogy and program administration. N
4) Define the aim, structure, and process of Turkish education system, the approaches of classroom management and the concepts related with education. N
5) Demonstrate an understanding of the concepts and constructs related to assessment; use a variety of assessment methods, tools, and strategies to evaluate competencies. S HW
6) Prepare daily lesson plans according to the contemporary language learning theories and practices, taking learning styles and multiple intelligences into consideration. S HW
7) Analyze and contrast the British and American Literature on basic level. Explain basic concepts and principles of using literature and drama and apply them in foreign language teaching. N
8) Present a model to the society in terms of attitudes and behavior, which are democratic and ethical, both in the disciplinary and social levels, get involved with quality management processes and provide sustainability. N
9) Take responsibilities individually and within group works, realize the tasks in a responsible and effective way, work individually and as a part of a group to solve problems encountered during implementation; assess himself as an individual, use creative and powerful qualifications and try to develop weak sides. H HW
10) Interpret social, economic, political and ideological conditions which have caused Turkish revolution; in accordance with Ataturk’s principles and reforms, and embrace the society, and adopt human ideals including love of home country, and national goals and aspirations. N
11) Select and use variety of information and communication technologies with computer software that is needed on the level of the field in the classroom to the level and beyond required by European Computer Use License. H HW
12) Gain life-long learning skills in the light of needs, follow social and art performances, show an awareness of the currently debated global issues, act in accordance with the regulations of Ministry of Education on issues such as legal responsibilities and rights, present an understanding of differences within national and international cultures and adaptability to different cultures; plan social responsibility activities and projects for the immediate environment. N
13) Display a willingness to co-operate with members of the teaching staff in their assigned school, communicate effectively with the school community and with society at large in the area of English language education. N
14) Demonstrate an ability to use English in C1 level of European Language Portfolio and foster an interest in learning another foreign language. S HW
Prepared by and Date TUNA ÇAKAR , February 2024
Course Coordinator MELİKE ACAR
Semester Fall
Name of Instructor Öğr. Gör. PAKER DOĞU ÖZDEMİR

Course Contents

Week Subject
1) Introduction to computer programming
2) Fundamental concepts for algorithms
3) Basic programming
4) Variables
5) Calculations
6) Conditionals
7) Loops
8) Functions
9) Methods
10) Lists
11) Using numpy for numeric calculations
12) Using pandas for data tables
13) Using matplotlib for data visualization
14) General Review
15) Final Project
16) Final Project
Required/Recommended ReadingsPython Book for Data Science, Jake VanderPlas https://jakevdp.github.io/PythonDataScienceHandbook/
Teaching MethodsFlipped Learning
Homework and Projects
Laboratory Work
Computer UseThe course heavily requires use of computers, thus students are expected to bring their own computers to use.
Other Activities
Assessment Methods
Assessment Tools Count Weight
Attendance 14 % 15
Laboratory 14 % 25
Application 4 % 40
Project 1 % 20
TOTAL % 100
Course Administration cakart@mef.edu.tr

1. Active Participation: Student participation in every aspect of the course is essential. Active participation requires attendance, research, reading, reflection, participation in class discussions, sharing observations made in K-12 schools and classrooms, asking questions and giving feedback to students who are making presentations. 2. Attendance: Attendance in class activities is very important. Working collaboratively on projects/research/reports/presentations is an important part of a teacher/counselor's role. Class participation/collaborative produce grades will only be given to students who attend the class and work with their classmates on the projects. 3. Accommodations: Any student needing special accommodations (testing, seating, etc.) must notify the instructor within the first two weeks of class. 4. Academic Integrity: In meeting course requirements, honesty is essential and students are expected to abide by MEF policy of academic integrity, prohibiting cheating, plagiarizing, or otherwise falsifying results of any work. This applies to exams, papers, reports, and all other assignments. 5. Email Addresses: Emails assigned by the university must be used to communicate by the instructor and classmates. 6. If you miss more than 30% of the course (that is more than 12 hours), you forfeit your right to do the final project and will receive a grade of FC. Rules for attendance: The student must attend at least 70% of the classes. Statement on academic dishonesty and plagiarism: Law on Higher Education Article 54.

ECTS Student Workload Estimation

Activity No/Weeks Hours Calculation
No/Weeks per Semester Preparing for the Activity Spent in the Activity Itself Completing the Activity Requirements
Course Hours 14 1 2 1 56
Laboratory 14 0 2 28
Homework Assignments 5 5 0.5 27.5
Total Workload 111.5
Total Workload/25 4.5