UGS 503 Water Resources and International Security IMEF UniversityDegree Programs International Security and Strategic Studies (Thesis)General Information For StudentsDiploma SupplementErasmus Policy Statement
International Security and Strategic Studies (Thesis)
Master Length of the Programme: 2 Number of Credits: 120 TR-NQF-HE: Level 7 QF-EHEA: Second Cycle EQF: Level 7

Ders Genel Tanıtım Bilgileri

School/Faculty/Institute Graduate School
Course Code UGS 503
Course Title in English Water Resources and International Security I
Course Title in Turkish Su Kaynakları ve Uluslararası Güvenlik
Language of Instruction TR
Type of Course Seminar
Level of Course Advanced
Semester Fall
Contact Hours per Week
Lecture: 2 Recitation: Lab: Other:
Estimated Student Workload 149 hours per semester
Number of Credits 6 ECTS
Grading Mode Standard Letter Grade
Pre-requisites None
Expected Prior Knowledge None
Co-requisites None
Registration Restrictions None
Overall Educational Objective
Course Description This course addresses many dimensions of the transboundary water resources management and analyzes evolving water management paradigms. Introductory part encompasses the reasons for current water crisis in the world in general, and in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) in particular. The terminology that will be extensively used during the lectures is presented (e.g., upstream, riparian, transboundary, river basin, IWRM, equitable, allocation etc.). Secondly, the course is designed to highlight why water plays such an important role in the international relations of the MENA by looking into the past and potential inter-state disputes over water with specific references to the Nile, Jordan and Euphrates-Tigris river basins. The origins and the evolution of the water disputes in these regions; historical overview of water negotiation frameworks, and the initiatives for cooperation are studied. The course culminates with the analysis of the possible situations of conflict or cooperation over the use of limited water resources of the MENA. The focus is set on the ongoing debate among scholars on the issue of utilization of the disputed waters in the region, as well as the likelihood of a conflict that would be a result of the worsening situation of water supply/demand balance as well as unfair distribution of existing scarce resources. In the debate one can delineate basically three groups of scholars whose views can be associated with either of the three influential schools of thought in the International Relations theory such as “realists,” “liberal political economists;” and “institutionalists.”
Course Description in Turkish Ders, su kaynakları politikasının başlıca kavramları olan: “su kıtlığı,” “su krizleri,” “su çatışmaları ve savaşları,” “nehir havzası bütüncül yönetimi” gibi yaklaşımları Orta Doğu suları örneklerinde analiz edilmesini hedeflemektedir. Dersin ilk bölümünde küresel, bölgesel ve yerel su kıtlığı ve krizlerinin neden ve sonuçları bilimsel veri ve analizlerle ele alınır. Modernleşme ve ekonomik gelişme bağlamında küresel su politikalarının evrimi dersin başlıca tartışma alanını oluşturacaktır. Orta Doğu’nun başlıca sınıraşan su kaynakları: Fırat-Dicle, Şeria ve Nil nehri havzaları, kıyıdaş ülkelerin tarihsel, siyasi, hukuksal, ekonomik, sosyal ve kültürel ilişkileri çerçevesinde ele alınır. Nehir havzaları üzerine örnek olay çalışmasının ardından, öğrencilerle kazandıkları donanımlar temelinde kuramsal tartışmaların yapılması hedeflenmektedir. Bu tartışmalar kapsamında, Uluslararası İlişkiler Disiplininin realizm ve liberalist kurumsalcılık gibi önde gelen teorik yaklaşımları ve uluslararası (liberal) siyasi iktisat gibi alt kollarının temel önermeleriyle bağdaştırılabilecek sınıraşan su kaynakları politikalarına ilişkin üç yaklaşım tanımlanabilir: “Su Savaşları” (Realizm), Bütüncül Su Kaynakları Yönetimi (Kurumsalcılar) ve Sanal Su (Uluslararası Siyasi İktisat). Ders, sınıraşan nehir havzalarındaki su uyuşmazlıklarıyla ilgili bu yaklaşımları Uluslararası İlişkiler Disipliniyle ilişkilendirerek ele alınır. Orta Doğu su sorunlarının çözülmesinde uluslararası su hukukunun katkıları dersin bir diğer çalışma alanını oluşturur.

Course Learning Outcomes and Competences

Upon successful completion of the course, the learner is expected to be able to:
1) learn the historical development of global water resources policy;
2) understand the basic concepts of water resources management;
3) Analyzing transboundary water policies in the Middle East;
4) Abalyze the theoretical relationship between transboundary water policies and the discipline of International Relations.
Program Learning Outcomes/Course Learning Outcomes 1 2 3 4
1) Understanding the basic concepts of international security and strategy.
2) Ability to analyze the security and defense policies and strategies of particular states.
3) Awareness of ethical values that govern the making of foreign and security policies.
4) Extensive knowledge about global governance and international organizations that shape the world politics.
5) Ability to express opinion on the causes and consequences of world events.
6) Extensive knowledge about Turkey’s foreign and security policies.
7) Extensive knowledge about international terrorism
8) Extensive knowledge about the literature on the prominent thinkers and philosophers in the field of political science.
9) Ability to conduct research on specific cases in European security and to write papers.
10) Awareness of impact of environmental change and scarcity of natural resources on the conduct of international politics.

Relation to Program Outcomes and Competences

N None S Supportive H Highly Related
Program Outcomes and Competences Level Assessed by
1) Understanding the basic concepts of international security and strategy. N
2) Ability to analyze the security and defense policies and strategies of particular states. N
3) Awareness of ethical values that govern the making of foreign and security policies. N
4) Extensive knowledge about global governance and international organizations that shape the world politics. N
5) Ability to express opinion on the causes and consequences of world events. N
6) Extensive knowledge about Turkey’s foreign and security policies. N
7) Extensive knowledge about international terrorism N
8) Extensive knowledge about the literature on the prominent thinkers and philosophers in the field of political science. N
9) Ability to conduct research on specific cases in European security and to write papers. N
10) Awareness of impact of environmental change and scarcity of natural resources on the conduct of international politics. N
Prepared by and Date AYŞEGÜL KİBAROĞLU , January 2024
Course Coordinator AYŞEGÜL KİBAROĞLU
Semester Fall
Name of Instructor Prof. Dr. AYŞEGÜL KİBAROĞLU

Course Contents

Week Subject
Required/Recommended Readings
Teaching Methods
Homework and Projects
Laboratory Work
Computer Use
Other Activities
Assessment Methods
Assessment Tools Count Weight
Attendance 1 % 10
Homework Assignments 1 % 60
Presentation 1 % 30
TOTAL % 100
Course Administration

• Derslere devamlılık esastır. Ödevlerin ders izleğinde belirtilen tarihlerde teslim edilmesi gereklidir. • Akademik dürüst olmama ve intihal durumlarında YÖK Disiplin Yönetmeliği uygulanır.

ECTS Student Workload Estimation

Activity No/Weeks Hours Calculation
No/Weeks per Semester Preparing for the Activity Spent in the Activity Itself Completing the Activity Requirements
Course Hours 14 2 2 2 84
Homework Assignments 5 11 2 65
Total Workload 149
Total Workload/25 6.0