HUK 629 Minority Rights in Joint Stock CompaniesMEF UniversityDegree Programs Private LawGeneral Information For StudentsDiploma SupplementErasmus Policy Statement
Private Law
PhD Length of the Programme: 4 Number of Credits: 240 TR-NQF-HE: Level 8 QF-EHEA: Third Cycle EQF: Level 8

Ders Genel Tanıtım Bilgileri

School/Faculty/Institute Graduate School
Course Code HUK 629
Course Title in English Minority Rights in Joint Stock Companies
Course Title in Turkish Anonim Ortaklıklarda Azınlık Hakları
Language of Instruction TR
Type of Course Lecture
Level of Course Advanced
Semester Spring
Contact Hours per Week
Lecture: 3 Recitation: Lab: Other:
Estimated Student Workload 188 hours per semester
Number of Credits 7.5 ECTS
Grading Mode Standard Letter Grade
Pre-requisites None
Expected Prior Knowledge -
Co-requisites None
Registration Restrictions Doctoral Students Only
Overall Educational Objective To learn the framework of minority rights in joint stock companies and related judicial decisions
Course Description This course covers, especially in the light of Turkish Court of Cassation decisions, the definition of minority shareholders' rights, minority rights stipulated under the Turkish Commercial Code and the conditions of their use.
Course Description in Turkish Derste özellikle Yargıtay kararları ışığında, azınlık hakkının tanımı ve Türk Ticaret Kanunu’nda düzenlenen azınlık haklarının nelerden ibaret olduğu ve bunların kullanım şartları incelenecektir.

Course Learning Outcomes and Competences

Upon successful completion of the course, the learner is expected to be able to:
1) Knows the purpose of recognising minority rights in joint stock companies.
2) Knows which minority rights are regulated in the Turkish Commercial Code.
3) Knows the conditions of use of each minority right regulated in the Turkish Commercial Code.
4) Knows the case law of the Court of Cassation regarding each minority right.
Program Learning Outcomes/Course Learning Outcomes 1 2 3 4
1) *
2) *
3) *
4) *
5) *
6) *
7) *
8) *
9) *
10) *
11) *
12) *
13) *

Relation to Program Outcomes and Competences

N None S Supportive H Highly Related
Program Outcomes and Competences Level Assessed by
1) * H Exam,HW,Presentation
2) * H Exam,HW,Presentation
3) * H Exam,HW,Presentation
4) * H Exam,HW,Presentation
5) * H Exam,HW,Presentation
6) * H Exam,HW,Presentation
7) * H HW
8) * H Exam,HW,Presentation
9) * H HW,Presentation
10) * N
11) * N
12) * H Exam,HW,Presentation
13) * S Exam,HW,Presentation
Prepared by and Date , February 2024
Course Coordinator AKTS1
Semester Spring
Name of Instructor Prof. Dr. FÜSUN NOMER ERTAN

Course Contents

Week Subject
1) Introduction of the concept of minority right in joint stock company
2) Determination of the types of minority rights
3) The minority right to prevent the release regulated under Article 559 of the TCC
4) Minority right regarding the special auditor request regulated under Art. 438 et seq. of the TCC
5) The minority right to invite the general assembly to convene as regulated under Article 411/412 of the TCC,
6) The right to have an item added to the agenda of the general assembly regulated under Art. 411/412 TCC
7) Minority right regarding the right to request postponement of the balance sheet negotiations regulated under Article 420 of the TCC
8) The right to request the appointment of an auditor from the court regulated under Article 399/4-5 of the TCC
9) The right to request the printing of registered share certificates regulated under Article 486/3 of the TCC Midterm
10) The right to request the court to dissolve the joint stock company for just cause, regulated under Article 531 of the TCC
11) Evaluation of the decisions of the Court of Cassation regarding Art. 531 TCC
12) Appearance of minority rights in public joint stock companies
13) Minority's right to request the appointment of a Ministry Representative
14) Evaluation of the Court of Cassation's jurisprudence on minority rights
15) Finals
16) Finals
Required/Recommended ReadingsBooks on demand: Anonim Şirketlerde Bireysel Ve Azınlık Pay Sahibi Hakları; Editör: Prof. Dr. Erol Ulusoy, 2. Bası, Ankara 2016. Hasan Pulaşlı, Şirketler Hukuku Genel Esaslar, 7. Bası, Ankara 2021. Rıza Ayhan/Hayrettin Çağlar/Mehmet Özdamar, Şirketler Hukuku Genel Esaslar, 3. Bası, Akara 2021. Ünal Tekinalp, Sermaye Ortaklıklarının Yeni Hukuku, 5. Bası, İstanbul 2020 Şaban Kayıhan, Şirketler Hukuku, 4. Bası, Ankara 2020. Tekin Memiş/Bahar Şimşek, “Azlığın Finansal Tabloların Müzakeresini Erteleme Hakkı Üzerine Değerlendirmeler”, Prof. Dr. Sabih Arkan’a Armağan, İstanbul, On İki Levha, 2019, s. 787-822. Alperen Sefa Çakırbay, “Finansal Tabloların Müzakeresinin Ertelenmesi”, Hasan Kalyoncu Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi, C. 9, S. 17, 2019, s. 417-438. Seda Akipek, “6102 Sayılı Türk Ticaret Kanunu Uyarınca Azlığın Finansal Tabloların Müzakeresini Erteleme Hakkı”, Akademik Yaşamının 55. Yılı Onuruna Rona Aybay’a Armağan C. 1, Legal Hukuk Dergisi, Özel Sayı, Aralık 2014, s. 283-315. Tolga Ayoğlu, “Anonim Ortaklıkların Haklı Nedenle Feshine İlişkin Davalarda Dava İkame Edildikten Sonra Şirket Bünyesinde Çıkan Bazı Önemli Gelişmelerin Dava Sürecine Etkileri” GÜHFD, 2017,ss. 97-155. Ersin Çamoğlu, “Anonim Ortaklığın Feshinde Takdir Yetkisi”, BATIDER, C. XXXI, Sayı 1, 2015, ss. 5-19. Nuri Erdem, Anonim Ortaklığın Haklı Sebeple Feshi, 2.Bası, İstanbul, Vedat Kitapçılık, 2019. N. Füsun Nomer Ertan, “Yargıtay Kararları Işığında Haklı Sebeple Fesih”, Yürürlüğünün 5. Yılında ve Yargıtay Kararları Işığında Türk Ticaret Kanunu Sempozyumu, İstanbul, On İki Levha Yayıncılık, 2017, ss. 97-114. N. Füsun Nomer Ertan, “Anonim Ortaklığın Haklı Sebeple Feshi Davası, TTK m. 531 Üzerine Düşünceler”, İÜHFM, C.LXXIII, Sayı 1, 2015, ss.421-440. Ayşe Şahin, Anonim Ortaklığın Haklı Sebeple Feshi, Vedat Kitapçılık, İstanbul, 2013. Ünal Tekinalp, “Anonim Ortaklığın Haklı Sebeplerle Feshi Davasının Bazı Usuli Sorunları” ,Ersin Çamoğlu’na Armağan, İstanbul, Vedat Kitapçılık, 2013, ss. 211-222. Savaş Bozbel, “Yeni Türk Ticaret Kanunu’na Göre Azınlığın Bilanço Görüşmelerini Erteletmesi (Yeni TTK m. 420)”, Prof. Dr. Mustafa Dural’a Armağan, Filiz Kitabevi, İstanbul, 2013, ss. 347-355.
Teaching MethodsAfter the guidance of the lecturer and the necessary explanations and information about the course, the participation of the students to the course is ensured. The course is taught within the framework of the seminar assignments and presentations prepared by the students. The decisions of the Court of Cassation are brought to the course by the students and discussed.
Homework and Projects
Laboratory Work
Computer Use
Other Activities
Assessment Methods
Assessment Tools Count Weight
Homework Assignments 1 % 30
Presentation 2 % 30
Midterm(s) 3 % 20
Final Examination 3 % 20
TOTAL % 100
Course Administration

Derse devam zorunludur. Seminer ödevi hazırlanması ve sunum yapılması zorunludur. Final sınavına giremeyen veya geçerli not alamayan öğrenciye ek final hakkı tanınır.

ECTS Student Workload Estimation

Activity No/Weeks Hours Calculation
No/Weeks per Semester Preparing for the Activity Spent in the Activity Itself Completing the Activity Requirements
Course Hours 14 2 3 2 98
Application 7 0 3 1 28
Presentations / Seminar 2 10 20
Homework Assignments 1 10 10
Midterm(s) 1 10 3 13
Final Examination 1 16 3 19
Total Workload 188
Total Workload/25 7.5
ECTS 7.5