English Language Teaching | |||||
Bachelor | Length of the Programme: 4 | Number of Credits: 240 | TR-NQF-HE: Level 6 | QF-EHEA: First Cycle | EQF: Level 6 |
School/Faculty/Institute | Faculty of Education | |||||
Course Code | EDS 405 | |||||
Course Title in English | Internship III: Teaching Practice | |||||
Course Title in Turkish | Internship III: Teaching Practice | |||||
Language of Instruction | EN | |||||
Type of Course | Practical | |||||
Level of Course | Introductory | |||||
Semester | Fall | |||||
Contact Hours per Week |
Estimated Student Workload | 364 hours per semester | |||||
Number of Credits | 15 ECTS | |||||
Grading Mode | Standard Letter Grade | |||||
Pre-requisites | None | |||||
Expected Prior Knowledge | Earlier school experience | |||||
Co-requisites | None | |||||
Registration Restrictions | Only Undergraduate Students | |||||
Overall Educational Objective | To understand how to assist the practices of the mentor teacher and get used to teaching in classroom and relate the theoretical knowledge about teaching to teacher practices in English language teaching. | |||||
Course Description | After successfully completing the three years of university courses, and two internships, you become Teacher Candidate. Teacher candidates will be placed as full-time teacher assistants in the classes of mentor teachers working in partner schools. In these classes, teacher candidates will: (a) observe the practices of the mentor teacher (b) assist the mentor teacher in education and teaching-related issues, (c) tutor students who need academic support, (d) teach whole class and resume teacher duties ideally 5 weeks in the 18-week semester. (e) complete practice-based assignments of their college courses, and (f) do other similar duties assigned by the mentor teacher and college instructors. The duties undertaken by teacher candidates may differ depending on the level and context of their class. However, all of the teacher candidates will undertake the following duties: (1) observe carefully the performance of their mentor, and learn from their practice. (2) Contribute to the improvement of student achievement by tutoring the low achieving students and learn in practice, (3) teach whole class lessons and assume responsibilities of being a teacher for ideally 5 weeks (with the presence and guidance of mentor teacher). | |||||
Course Description in Turkish | Üç yıllık üniversite derslerini ve iki stajı başarıyla tamamladıktan sonra, Öğretmen Adayı olursunuz. Öğretmen adayları, işbirliği yaptığımız okullarda çalışan usta öğretmenlerin sınıflarında tam zamanlı öğretmen asistanı olarak görev alacaklardır. Bu sınıflarda, öğretmen adayları: (a) rehber öğretmenin uygulamalarını gözlemleyecek, (b) Eğitim ve öğretim ile ilgili konularda rehber öğretmenine yardımcı olacak, (c) akademik desteğe ihtiyaç duyan öğrencilere ders çalıştıracak, (d) 18 haftalık dönem boyunca ideal olarak 5 hafta tüm sınıfa dersi öğretecek ve öğretmen vazifelerini devam ettirecek, (e) üniversite derslerinin uygulamaya dayalı görevlerini tamamlayacak, (f) danışman öğretmen ve üniversite öğretim görevlileri tarafından verilen diğer benzeri görevleri yapacak. Öğretmen yardımcısının üstlendiği görevler, sınıflarının düzeyine ve içeriğine bağlı olarak farklılık gösterebilir. Bununla birlikte, tüm aday öğretmenler aşağıdaki görevleri üstlenirler: (1) usta öğretmenin performansını dikkatle izlemek ve uygulamalarını öğrenmek. (2) Başarısız olan öğrencilere ders çalıştırmak ve uygulama yaparak öğrenci başarısının iyileştirilmesine katkıda bulunmak, (3) bir sınıfın tümüne ders anlatmak ve bir öğretmen görevlerini 5 hafta boyunca devam ettirmek. (usta öğretmen rehberliğinde) |
Course Learning Outcomes and CompetencesUpon successful completion of the course, the learner is expected to be able to:1) observe the practices of the mentor teacher 2) assist the mentor teacher in education and teaching-related issues, 3) Tutor students who need academic support 4) Teach whole class and resume teacher duties ideally 7 weeks in the 18-week semester. 5) complete practice-based assignments of their college courses 6) do other similar duties assigned by the mentor teacher and college instructors |
Program Learning Outcomes/Course Learning Outcomes | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 |
1) Integrate concepts related to ELT based on previous competencies and realize inter-conceptual relations; demonstrate an understanding of evaluating the source, limits, authenticity and reliability of knowledge and discuss the methods related to generating this knowledge. | ||||||
2) Demonstrate knowledge of applied linguistics as related to Second Language (L2) teaching and learning. | ||||||
3) Think critically and independently about topics in Second Language Acquisition and Teaching, which are: L2 use, L2 analysis, L2 processes, and L2 pedagogy and program administration. | ||||||
4) Define the aim, structure, and process of Turkish education system, the approaches of classroom management and the concepts related with education. | ||||||
5) Demonstrate an understanding of the concepts and constructs related to assessment; use a variety of assessment methods, tools, and strategies to evaluate competencies. | ||||||
6) Prepare daily lesson plans according to the contemporary language learning theories and practices, taking learning styles and multiple intelligences into consideration. | ||||||
7) Analyze and contrast the British and American Literature on basic level. Explain basic concepts and principles of using literature and drama and apply them in foreign language teaching. | ||||||
8) Present a model to the society in terms of attitudes and behavior, which are democratic and ethical, both in the disciplinary and social levels, get involved with quality management processes and provide sustainability. | ||||||
9) Take responsibilities individually and within group works, realize the tasks in a responsible and effective way, work individually and as a part of a group to solve problems encountered during implementation; assess himself as an individual, use creative and powerful qualifications and try to develop weak sides. | ||||||
10) Interpret social, economic, political and ideological conditions which have caused Turkish revolution; in accordance with Ataturk’s principles and reforms, and embrace the society, and adopt human ideals including love of home country, and national goals and aspirations. | ||||||
11) Select and use variety of information and communication technologies with computer software that is needed on the level of the field in the classroom to the level and beyond required by European Computer Use License. | ||||||
12) Gain life-long learning skills in the light of needs, follow social and art performances, show an awareness of the currently debated global issues, act in accordance with the regulations of Ministry of Education on issues such as legal responsibilities and rights, present an understanding of differences within national and international cultures and adaptability to different cultures; plan social responsibility activities and projects for the immediate environment. | ||||||
13) Display a willingness to co-operate with members of the teaching staff in their assigned school, communicate effectively with the school community and with society at large in the area of English language education. | ||||||
14) Demonstrate an ability to use English in C1 level of European Language Portfolio and foster an interest in learning another foreign language. |
N None | S Supportive | H Highly Related |
Program Outcomes and Competences | Level | Assessed by | |
1) | Integrate concepts related to ELT based on previous competencies and realize inter-conceptual relations; demonstrate an understanding of evaluating the source, limits, authenticity and reliability of knowledge and discuss the methods related to generating this knowledge. | S | HW |
2) | Demonstrate knowledge of applied linguistics as related to Second Language (L2) teaching and learning. | H | Exam,HW,Lab,Participation,Presentation,Project |
3) | Think critically and independently about topics in Second Language Acquisition and Teaching, which are: L2 use, L2 analysis, L2 processes, and L2 pedagogy and program administration. | H | Exam,HW,Lab,Participation,Presentation,Project |
4) | Define the aim, structure, and process of Turkish education system, the approaches of classroom management and the concepts related with education. | S | HW,Presentation |
5) | Demonstrate an understanding of the concepts and constructs related to assessment; use a variety of assessment methods, tools, and strategies to evaluate competencies. | S | HW,Presentation |
6) | Prepare daily lesson plans according to the contemporary language learning theories and practices, taking learning styles and multiple intelligences into consideration. | H | HW,Presentation |
7) | Analyze and contrast the British and American Literature on basic level. Explain basic concepts and principles of using literature and drama and apply them in foreign language teaching. | N | |
8) | Present a model to the society in terms of attitudes and behavior, which are democratic and ethical, both in the disciplinary and social levels, get involved with quality management processes and provide sustainability. | N | |
9) | Take responsibilities individually and within group works, realize the tasks in a responsible and effective way, work individually and as a part of a group to solve problems encountered during implementation; assess himself as an individual, use creative and powerful qualifications and try to develop weak sides. | S | HW,Presentation |
10) | Interpret social, economic, political and ideological conditions which have caused Turkish revolution; in accordance with Ataturk’s principles and reforms, and embrace the society, and adopt human ideals including love of home country, and national goals and aspirations. | N | |
11) | Select and use variety of information and communication technologies with computer software that is needed on the level of the field in the classroom to the level and beyond required by European Computer Use License. | H | HW,Presentation |
12) | Gain life-long learning skills in the light of needs, follow social and art performances, show an awareness of the currently debated global issues, act in accordance with the regulations of Ministry of Education on issues such as legal responsibilities and rights, present an understanding of differences within national and international cultures and adaptability to different cultures; plan social responsibility activities and projects for the immediate environment. | N | |
13) | Display a willingness to co-operate with members of the teaching staff in their assigned school, communicate effectively with the school community and with society at large in the area of English language education. | H | Exam,HW,Lab,Participation,Presentation,Project |
14) | Demonstrate an ability to use English in C1 level of European Language Portfolio and foster an interest in learning another foreign language. | H | Exam,HW,Lab,Participation,Presentation,Project |
Prepared by and Date | ECE SARIGÜL , December 2023 |
Course Coordinator | AKTS1 |
Semester | Fall |
Name of Instructor | Asst. Prof. Dr. ECE SARIGÜL |
Week | Subject |
1) | Internship Activity |
2) | Internship Activity |
3) | Internship Activity |
4) | Internship Activity |
5) | Internship Activity |
6) | Internship Activity |
7) | Internship Activity |
8) | Internship Activity |
9) | Internship Activity |
10) | Internship Activity |
11) | Internship Activity |
12) | Internship Activity |
13) | Internship Activity |
14) | Internship Activity |
15) | Internship Activity |
16) | Internship Activity |
Required/Recommended Readings | Cattlin, M. (2014). The Art of Lesson Planning (Matador) Hedge, T. (2000). Teaching and Learning in the Language Classroom (OUP). Richards, J. & Nunan, D. (1990). Second Language Teacher Education. Cambridge University Press. | ||||||||||||||||||
Teaching Methods | Flipped Classroom model will be used while teaching Internship IV. Students will access key journals related with effective teaching strategies and questioning individually or in small groups prior to class time, generate their questions, underline the points that they find most difficult or hardly understand, and then meet face-to-face in the larger group with similar misunderstandings to explore content through active learning and engagement strategies. | ||||||||||||||||||
Homework and Projects | Bi-weekly Journals (7 x 1=7 points) Write at most 2 pages per every two weeks. Journals should be 12 points, times-new roman, 1-inch margin. You should submit your journals as surname_15.04.2018. The date should be the Sunday of that week. You need to submit your bi-weekly journal Sunday by 17:00. Active Participation at the Internship School and Observation (5 points) You should be on time and act as a professional at the partner school. It is important that you are prepared to be observed for tutoring or conducting other teaching related activities, especially during the visits by the university instructor. You are responsible to submit necessary information or documents ahead of the observation time (at least one day before) to the university instructor. In each semester, 5-7 times, the instructor(s) observe the teacher candidate in the partner school. She evaluates them according to the criteria given in Blackboard and school course evaluation. Participation in the Seminar (5 points) You should always be on time and present. Your contributions should exceed just being physically in classes. You need to show that you do the readings, and come prepared for the seminar sessions at the University. Portfolio Content (10 points) Your portfolio should be organized according to the directions. Each entry should have a story, reflection and suggestions (suggested at least 1-page). Your teaching philosophy Weekly Journals Lesson plans that you have helped to create (evidence of growth in quality) Samples of student work that you worked with (one-to-one or small groups, evidence of student growth as a result of your work could be included) Video & audio tapes as well as photographs (with permission from school administration) Course assignments (6 reports-described below). Administrator or mentor teacher feedback or notes (if relevant) Extra curricular activities at school (helping with a student club or participating in field trip, etc.) Technological tools or applications that you learned to use this year as a result of your experience, provide evidence. What you learned this semester about teaching and how this internship (University-within School model) experience shaped it to change. Reflect on the whole 4-year program and courses. Digital portfolio: Flipped class experience Digital portfolio: Teaching experience (video clip if you prove permission from the school site and the video does not include any identifiable student image. Presentation of portfolio (5 points) At the end of the semester, every teacher candidate presents his/her portfolio to reflect on his/her experience. By using his/her evidence in the portfolio, he/she presents it to the academicians/ students in the department / mentor teachers. Course Assignments (6x4=24 points) You will have 6 structured assignments for this course. Submission Due dates are as follow: Report 1: Classroom Discourse: Jot down as many phrases and vocabulary as possible used by your mentor and the students. Categorize and reflect on your analysis. How is it common or different? How is your own teacher discourse? Report 2: Tutoring Experience Analysis: Plan a topic to teach a small group, teach it and videotape it. Analyze the video using the framework given by the instructors. Report 3: Preparation of Task a(Task-based Teaching), plan for implementing the task, Implementation of the task, Reflection (video is needed) Report 4: Collecting data on assessment types and sample materials used at school; interviewing teachers about assessment and submitting your report by reflecting on the assigned readings Report 5: Reflection on a peer’s teaching Report 6: Planning an activity which requires effective use of technology and implementing it; video-taping it; and reflecting on it Please check Blackboard for related readings for each week. Assignments are expected to be 12-points, 1.5 space, times-new roman, 1 inch margin from each side, APA style is required. You need to refer to the classroom readings for each assignment, write clearly, ideas should be connected. It will be assessed based on the directions and rubric shared in the class. Graded by the mentors: Teaching (3 x 4 micro and 4*4 macro = 12 + 16 =28 points) For this assignment, you are asked to teach an English lesson whenever possible during your internship. It is suggested that you should scatter the teaching over the semester to see your change/improvement during the semester (i.e., on lesson at the beginning, one in the middle and one at the end). The purpose of this assignment is to provide teacher candidates with an opportunity to plan a lesson, to teach the lesson to whole class of students, and to reflect on the teaching following the lesson. During this practice, the teacher candidate might be observed by the mentor teacher and the course instructor. Student teacher should make the necessary arrangements without waiting for the university professor’s initiation. You must submit your Lesson plan to your mentor at least 1 week in advance to get feedback. After actual teaching, you must submit your reflection within a day. Midterm evaluation: Based on the rubric provided (6 points) Final evaluation: Based on the rubric provided (10 points) | ||||||||||||||||||
Laboratory Work | ... | ||||||||||||||||||
Computer Use | Computers will be used in pre-class activities and student assignments and projects. | ||||||||||||||||||
Other Activities | ... | ||||||||||||||||||
Assessment Methods |
Course Administration |
sarigule@mef.edu.tr ... ... |
Activity | No/Weeks | Hours | Calculation | ||||
No/Weeks per Semester | Preparing for the Activity | Spent in the Activity Itself | Completing the Activity Requirements | ||||
Course Hours | 14 | 1 | 2 | 1 | 56 | ||
Project | 14 | 1 | 18 | 3 | 308 | ||
Total Workload | 364 | ||||||
Total Workload/25 | 14.6 | ||||||
ECTS | 15 |