Interior Design | |||||
Bachelor | Length of the Programme: 4 | Number of Credits: 240 | TR-NQF-HE: Level 6 | QF-EHEA: First Cycle | EQF: Level 6 |
1 - Knowledge |
Theoretical - Conceptual |
1) Ability to read, write and speak effectively in Turkish and English, equivalent to a B2 European Language Passport Level in English.
2) Ability to use information and understanding of the perceptive, experiential and behavioral aspects of human – space relationship as an input of interior design. |
3) Ability to re-interpret the Interior Design profession under the light of rapidly changing theories and approaches. |
4) Ability to develop a personal and critical perspective towards the design of spaces. |
5) Ability to effectively implement interdisciplinary design and research principles into the solution of problems in her/his field. |
6) Ability to bring together her/his knowledge and insight obtained from various sources into the design of interior design problems in a creative way. |
7) Ability to use the ethical methodology necessary to develop sustainable interior design approaches with the perspective of social responsibility. |
8) Ability to access and use knowledge towards the development of interior spaces using materials and products within the scope of sustainability. |
9) Ability to use entrepreneurship, creative thinking and leadership skills towards developing innovative interior design approaches. |
10) Ability to find solutions to interior design problems by developing interdisciplinary approaches and within the context of local, national and global networks. |
11) Ability to present design ideas in visual, verbal and written media as well as ability to share ideas using analog and digital techniques in national and international professional circles. |
12) Ability to develop sensitive and sustainable design approaches respecting needs of various users, local and regional values, natural and cultural heritage. |
13) Ability to design interiors in an integral fashion with building systems. |
14) Ability to determine individual learning needs in order to become an intellectual professional and the ability to connect with national and international professionals as well as groups. |
15) Ability to develop interior design proposals that are suitable for national and international standards, professional etiquette, regulations and legal procedures. |
16) Ability to keep track of contemporary research, inventions, approaches and technologies in order to develop new ways of thinking and creating. |
17) Ability to create a difference through design solutions by defining and evaluating social and spatial problems, ability to make those available to the society. |
2 - Skills |
Cognitive - Practical |
3 - Competences |
Communication and Social Competence |
Learning Competence |
Field Specific Competence |
Competence to Work Independently and Take Responsibility |
Program Learning Outcomes | TR-NQF-HE 6 (Bachelor) Level Descriptors | TR-NQF-HE Main Field Descriptors 58 - Architecture and building |
1 - Knowledge | ||
Theoretical - Conceptual | ||
1) Ability to read, write and speak effectively in Turkish and English, equivalent to a B2 European Language Passport Level in English.
2) Ability to use information and understanding of the perceptive, experiential and behavioral aspects of human – space relationship as an input of interior design. 3) Ability to re-interpret the Interior Design profession under the light of rapidly changing theories and approaches. 4) Ability to develop a personal and critical perspective towards the design of spaces. 5) Ability to effectively implement interdisciplinary design and research principles into the solution of problems in her/his field. 6) Ability to bring together her/his knowledge and insight obtained from various sources into the design of interior design problems in a creative way. 7) Ability to use the ethical methodology necessary to develop sustainable interior design approaches with the perspective of social responsibility. 8) Ability to access and use knowledge towards the development of interior spaces using materials and products within the scope of sustainability. 9) Ability to use entrepreneurship, creative thinking and leadership skills towards developing innovative interior design approaches. 10) Ability to find solutions to interior design problems by developing interdisciplinary approaches and within the context of local, national and global networks. 11) Ability to present design ideas in visual, verbal and written media as well as ability to share ideas using analog and digital techniques in national and international professional circles. 12) Ability to develop sensitive and sustainable design approaches respecting needs of various users, local and regional values, natural and cultural heritage. 13) Ability to design interiors in an integral fashion with building systems. 14) Ability to determine individual learning needs in order to become an intellectual professional and the ability to connect with national and international professionals as well as groups. 15) Ability to develop interior design proposals that are suitable for national and international standards, professional etiquette, regulations and legal procedures. 16) Ability to keep track of contemporary research, inventions, approaches and technologies in order to develop new ways of thinking and creating. 17) Ability to create a difference through design solutions by defining and evaluating social and spatial problems, ability to make those available to the society. |
1) Possess advanced level theoretical and practical knowledge supported by textbooks with updated information, practice equipments and other resources. |
1) İlgili temel alanda, mimari tasarım / planlama / tasarım etkinlikleri ve araştırmaları için yerel, bölgesel, ulusal ve küresel bağlamda, söylemsel, kuramsal, olgusal bilgi ile profesyonel hizmet duyarlılıklarını kapsayan çok boyutlu bilgileri, çok çeşitli ortamlardan kazanarak, akademik paylaşım ortamlarına yansıtabilmek için gerekli bilgi ve kavrayışa sahiptir. 2) Bu çerçevede, alanda gerekli, düşünsel, söylemsel, bilimsel, teknolojik, estetik, sanatsal tarihsel ve kültürel alt yapıya ilişkin bilgi ve kavrayışa sahiptir. 3) İlgili alanda insan ve toplum odaklı, çevreye (doğal ve yapılı) duyarlı mimari tasarım / planlama / tasarım / araştırma yöntemleri konusunda bilgi ve kavrayışa sahiptir. 4) İlgili alanda ekonomik, çevresel ve toplumsal sürdürebilirlik ilkeleri ve standartları ile afetlerle ilgili konularda çok boyutlu bilgi ve kavrayışa sahiptir. 5) Alanıyla ilgili ilkeler, yasa, yönetmelik ve standartlar hakkında bilgiye sahiptir. 6) Alanıyla ilgili kurumsal ve etik değerler konusunda bilgi ve kavrayışa sahiptir. 7) İlgili alanın tarihsel, coğrafi, toplumsal ve kültürel bağlam içindeki yerine / önemine ilişkin bilgi ve kavrayışa sahiptir. |
2 - Skills | ||
Cognitive - Practical | ||
1) Use of advanced theoretical and practical knowledge within the field. 2) Interpret and evaluate data, define and analyze problems, develop solutions based on research and proofs by using acquired advanced knowledge and skills within the field. |
1) Mimari tasarım / planlama / tasarım alanlarında kavram geliştirme becerisine sahiptir. 2) Mimari tasarım / planlama / tasarım etkinlikleri ve araştırmaları için söylem, kuram ve kılgı (pratik) bütünlüğünü sağlama becerisine sahiptir. 3) Mimari tasarım / planlama / tasarım konularında, olgular, potansiyel ve sorunlar ile bunlar için gerekli araştırmaları tanımlayabilme becerilerine sahiptir. 4) Alanıyla ilgili kuramsal / kavramsal bilgiyi, bilişsel ve kılgısal becerileri, araştırma yöntem ve tekniklerini kullanır. 5) Alternatif mimari tasarım, planlama kurguları ve çözümleri geliştirebilme becerisine sahiptir. 6) Disiplinler arası etkileşimli mimari tasarım / planlama / tasarım konusunda beceri sahibi olur. Sahip olduğu bilgi, kavrayış ve becerileri bağlama ilişkin verilerin yorumunda, sorunların tanımında, ustalık ve inovasyon sergileyen almaşık mimari tasarım / planlama / tasarım kararlarının / projelerin / çözümlerin geliştirilmesinde kullanır. |
3 - Competences | ||
Communication and Social Competence | ||
1) Inform people and institutions, transfer ideas and solution proposals to problems in written and orally on issues in the field. 2) Share the ideas and solution proposals to problems on issues in the field with professionals and non-professionals by the support of qualitative and quantitative data. 3) Organize and implement project and activities for social environment with a sense of social responsibility. 4) Monitor the developments in the field and communicate with peers by using a foreign language at least at a level of European Language Portfolio B1 General Level. 5) Use informatics and communication technologies with at least a minimum level of European Computer Driving License Advanced Level software knowledge. |
1) Alanıyla ilgili konularda ilgili kişi ve kurumları bilgilendirir, düşüncelerini ve sorunlara ilişkin çözüm önerilerini yazılı, sözlü ve görsel olarak aktarır, bilgiyi nicel ve nitel verilerle destekleyerek uzman olan ve olmayan kişilerle paylaşır. 2) Toplumsal sorumluluk bilinciyle yaşadığı sosyal çevre için projeler, işbirlikleri ve etkinlikler düzenler ve bunları uygular. 3) Bir yabancı dili en az Avrupa Dil Portföyü B1 Genel Düzeyinde kullanarak alanındaki gelişmeleri izler ve meslektaşları ile etkili iletişim kurar. 4) En az Avrupa Bilgisayar Kullanma Lisansı İleri Düzeyinde bilgisayar yazılımı ile birlikte alanının gerektirdiği bilişim (bilgi ve iletişim) teknolojilerini etkileşimli olarak kullanır. |
Learning Competence | ||
1) Evaluate the knowledge and skills acquired at an advanced level in the field with a critical approach. 2) Determine learning needs and direct the learning. 3) Develop positive attitude towards lifelong learning. |
1) Alanındaki bilgi ve becerileri eleştirel ve diyalektik (eleştirel, karşı tez ve sentez üretebilen) bir yaklaşımla değerlendirerek öğrenir. 2) Geleceğe yönelik olur, kişisel ve mesleki gelişimi için gerekli motivasyona ve öğrenme becerilerine sahip olur, öğrenme gereksinimlerini belirler, bunun için planlar yapar ve bunları uygular. 3) Yaşam boyu öğrenme bilinciyle hareket eder. |
Field Specific Competence | ||
1) Act in accordance with social, scientific, cultural and ethic values on the stages of gathering, implementation and release of the results of data related to the field. 2) Possess sufficient consciousness about the issues of universality of social rights, social justice, quality, cultural values and also, environmental protection, worker's health and security. |
1) Meslek alanında, mesleki uygulamada ve mesleki araştırmalarda, etik ve davranış kurallarına ilişkin kavrayış, davranma alışkanlığı ve toplumsal sorumluluk bilinciyle hareket eder. 2) Mimari tasarım / planlama / tasarım süreçlerinde olası toplumsal, çevresel ve etik sonuçlarını dikkate alarak karar verebilmek için gerekli temeli oluşturacak verileri toplar, değerlendirir ve yorumlar. 3) Alanındaki mevcut bilgiyi eleştirel ve diyalektik bir yaklaşımla değerlendirebilme, sahip olduğu bilgi, kavrayış ve becerileri disiplininin gerektirdiği profesyonel bir yaklaşımla etik ilkelerin ışığında, mesleki davranış kuralları, ölçütler ve standartlar ile yasal çerçevelere uygun olarak, olası toplumsal, çevresel ve etik sonuçlarını dikkate alarak kullanır. 4) İnsan değerinin bilgisiyle, insan haklarına ve bu temelde sosyal ve kültürel haklara saygılı, doğal çevrenin ve kültürel mirasın korunmasında gerekli duyarlılığı göstererek, adalet bilinciyle karar verir ve hareket eder. 5) Mesleğinin, insan hakları ve toplum açısından yararının ve toplumsal hizmet ürettiğinin bilincinde olarak sosyal adalet, kalite kültürü, doğal ve kültürel değerlerin korunması, çevre koruma, iş sağlığı ve güvenliği, profesyonel hizmet vermeye özgü yasal çerçeveler ile etik ilkeler konusunda gerekli duyarlılığı göstererek adil davranış konularında kişisel duyarlılığa sahiptir. 6) Yaşadığı tarihsel dönemde, yerel, bölgesel, ulusal ve küresel genel ve mesleki sorunlar hakkında bilgi ve bilinç sahibidir. |
Competence to Work Independently and Take Responsibility | ||
1) Conduct studies at an advanced level in the field independently. 2) Take responsibility both as a team member and individually in order to solve unexpected complex problems faced within the implementations in the field. 3) Planning and managing activities towards the development of subordinates in the framework of a project. |
1) Bir mimari tasarım / planlama / tasarım projesini bağımsız olarak yürütür, bu süreçler için araştırma projeleri planlar ve yürütür, yeni sentezler üretir. 2) Alanıyla ilgili bireysel çalışmaları bağımsız olarak yürütür ve çok disiplinli, disiplinler arası ve disiplinler üstü çalışmalarda bireysel ve ortak sorumluluk alır. Bunun için gerekli özgüvene ve yetkinliğe sahiptir. 3) Bir mimari tasarım / planlama / tasarım projesinde ortak çalışmaları planlar, sorumluluk alır ve yürütür. |
1) Ability to read, write and speak effectively in Turkish and English, equivalent to a B2 European Language Passport Level in English.
2) Ability to use information and understanding of the perceptive, experiential and behavioral aspects of human – space relationship as an input of interior design. |
3) Ability to re-interpret the Interior Design profession under the light of rapidly changing theories and approaches. |
4) Ability to develop a personal and critical perspective towards the design of spaces. |
5) Ability to effectively implement interdisciplinary design and research principles into the solution of problems in her/his field. |
6) Ability to bring together her/his knowledge and insight obtained from various sources into the design of interior design problems in a creative way. |
7) Ability to use the ethical methodology necessary to develop sustainable interior design approaches with the perspective of social responsibility. |
8) Ability to access and use knowledge towards the development of interior spaces using materials and products within the scope of sustainability. |
9) Ability to use entrepreneurship, creative thinking and leadership skills towards developing innovative interior design approaches. |
10) Ability to find solutions to interior design problems by developing interdisciplinary approaches and within the context of local, national and global networks. |
11) Ability to present design ideas in visual, verbal and written media as well as ability to share ideas using analog and digital techniques in national and international professional circles. |
12) Ability to develop sensitive and sustainable design approaches respecting needs of various users, local and regional values, natural and cultural heritage. |
13) Ability to design interiors in an integral fashion with building systems. |
14) Ability to determine individual learning needs in order to become an intellectual professional and the ability to connect with national and international professionals as well as groups. |
15) Ability to develop interior design proposals that are suitable for national and international standards, professional etiquette, regulations and legal procedures. |
16) Ability to keep track of contemporary research, inventions, approaches and technologies in order to develop new ways of thinking and creating. |
17) Ability to create a difference through design solutions by defining and evaluating social and spatial problems, ability to make those available to the society. |