IR 218 EU Institutions and PolicymakingMEF ÜniversitesiAkademik Programlar EkonomiÖğrenciler için Genel BilgiDiploma EkiErasmus Beyanı
Lisans Programın Süresi: 4 Kredi Sayısı: 240 TYYÇ: 6. Düzey QF-EHEA: 1. Düzey EQF: 6. Düzey

Ders Genel Tanıtım Bilgileri

School/Faculty/Institute Faculty of Econ., Admin. and Social Sciences
Course Code IR 218
Course Title in English EU Institutions and Policymaking
Course Title in Turkish EU Institutions and Policymaking
Language of Instruction
Type of Course Flipped Classroom
Level of Course Intermediate
Semester Bahar
Contact Hours per Week
Lecture: 3 Recitation: 0 Lab: 0 Other: 0
Estimated Student Workload 128 hours per semester
Number of Credits 5 ECTS
Grading Mode Standard Letter Grade
Pre-requisites None
Expected Prior Knowledge None
Co-requisites None
Registration Restrictions Only Undergraduate Students
Overall Educational Objective To learn what the European Union (EU) is and how it works.
Course Description IR 218 is an introductory course to the EU. It covers the EU’s essential features and evolving nature as a unique international organization. Beginning with core questions guiding EU studies, such as how to best define the EU and whether a common European identity exists, it looks at the EU’s historical evolution and offers an overview of European integration. Following an analysis of how the EU’s institutions work as well as how decision-making occurs at the EU level, it introduces various EU policies (ranging from internal policies over the single market, justice and home affairs to external policies such as foreign policy and the enlargement) as empirical reflections of European integration.
Course Description in Turkish

Course Learning Outcomes and Competences

Upon successful completion of the course, the learner is expected to be able to:
1) Bir uluslararası örgüt olarak AB'nin doğasını anlamak.
2) Avrupa bütünleşmesi sürecinin tarihsel evrimini eleştirel olarak incelemek.
3) AB kurumlarının nasıl çalıştığını ve AB karar alma sürecinin nasıl gerçekleştiğini anlamak.
4) AB'nin ana politikalarının içeriğini teşhis etmek ve değerlendirmek.
5) AB'nin "derinleşmesi"ni yönlendiren dinamikleri "genişleme"den ayrıştırmak.
6) Avrupa bütünleşmesinin ilerideki olasılığını eleştirel olarak değerlendirmek.
Program Learning Outcomes/Course Learning Outcomes 1 2 3 4 5 6
1) Has a broad understanding of economics with a deep exposure to other social sciences and mathematics.
2) Demonstrates knowledge and skills in understanding the interactions of different areas of economics.
3) Displays a sound comprehension of microeconomic and macroeconomic theory.
4) Applies economic concepts to solve complex problems and enhance decision-making capability.
5) Uses quantitative techniques to analyze different economic systems.
6) Applies theoretical knowledge to analyze issues regarding Turkish and global economies.
7) Demonstrates proficiency in statistical tools and mainstream software programs to process and evaluate economic data.
8) Behaves according to scientific and ethical values at all stages of economic analysis: data collection, interpretation and dissemination of findings.
9) Uses written and spoken English effectively (at least CEFR B2 level) to exchange scientific information.
10) Exhibits individual and professional ethical behavior and social responsibility.
11) Displays learning skills necessary for further study with a high degree of autonomy

Relation to Program Outcomes and Competences

N None S Supportive H Highly Related
Program Outcomes and Competences Level Assessed by
1) Has a broad understanding of economics with a deep exposure to other social sciences and mathematics. N
2) Demonstrates knowledge and skills in understanding the interactions of different areas of economics. N
3) Displays a sound comprehension of microeconomic and macroeconomic theory. N
4) Applies economic concepts to solve complex problems and enhance decision-making capability. N
5) Uses quantitative techniques to analyze different economic systems. N
6) Applies theoretical knowledge to analyze issues regarding Turkish and global economies. N
7) Demonstrates proficiency in statistical tools and mainstream software programs to process and evaluate economic data. N
8) Behaves according to scientific and ethical values at all stages of economic analysis: data collection, interpretation and dissemination of findings. N
9) Uses written and spoken English effectively (at least CEFR B2 level) to exchange scientific information. N
10) Exhibits individual and professional ethical behavior and social responsibility. N
11) Displays learning skills necessary for further study with a high degree of autonomy N
Prepared by and Date BEKEN SAATÇİOĞLU , January 2024
Course Coordinator BEKEN SAATÇİOĞLU
Semester Bahar
Name of Instructor Prof. Dr. BEKEN SAATÇİOĞLU

Course Contents

Hafta Konu
Required/Recommended ReadingsJohn McCormick, Understanding the European Union: A Concise Introduction, Sixth Edition (Palgrave Macmillan, 2014).
Teaching MethodsCourse videos, lectures and class discussions.
Homework and ProjectsHomework (Paper assignment)
Laboratory WorkNone
Computer UseYes
Other ActivitiesNone
Assessment Methods
Assessment Tools Count Weight
Devam 14 % 10
Küçük Sınavlar 3 % 30
Ödev 1 % 20
Ara Sınavlar 2 % 40
TOTAL % 100
Course Administration
• Students are not graded based upon class attendance alone but they are expected to attend regularly. • Missed quizzes cannot be made up. If students miss the exams, they must provide an official doctor’s report to document their illness. • Students are expected to show full respect vis-à-vis the professor and fellow students. Students who act inappropriately in the classroom on a consistent basis will be asked to leave. • Cheating and plagiarism will result in an automatic F in the class. Students caught cheating and plagiarizing will be reported to the Dean and risk facing further disciplinary action. Any improper behavior, academic dishonesty or plagiarism is subject to the YÖK Disciplinary Regulation. --

ECTS Student Workload Estimation

Activity No/Weeks Hours Calculation
No/Weeks per Semester Preparing for the Activity Spent in the Activity Itself Completing the Activity Requirements
Ders Saati 14 2 2 56
Ödevler 1 14 6.5 20.5
Küçük Sınavlar 3 6 0.5 19.5
Ara Sınavlar 2 15 2 34
Total Workload 130
Total Workload/25 5.2