EDS 301 Special Education: Teaching Diverse LearnersMEF ÜniversitesiAkademik Programlar İlköğretim Matematik ÖğretmenliğiÖğrenciler için Genel BilgiDiploma EkiErasmus Beyanı
İlköğretim Matematik Öğretmenliği
Lisans Programın Süresi: 4 Kredi Sayısı: 240 TYYÇ: 6. Düzey QF-EHEA: 1. Düzey EQF: 6. Düzey

Ders Genel Tanıtım Bilgileri

School/Faculty/Institute Faculty of Education
Course Code EDS 301
Course Title in English Special Education: Teaching Diverse Learners
Course Title in Turkish Special Education: Teaching Diverse Learners
Language of Instruction EN
Type of Course Flipped Classroom
Level of Course Intermediate
Semester Güz
Contact Hours per Week
Lecture: 3 Recitation: Lab: Other:
Estimated Student Workload 106 hours per semester
Number of Credits 4 ECTS
Grading Mode Standard Letter Grade
Pre-requisites EDS 101 - Introduction to Educational Sciences
EDS 103 - Educational Psychology
Expected Prior Knowledge Psychology of Learning
Co-requisites None
Registration Restrictions Only Undergraduate Students
Overall Educational Objective To gain a basic knowledge and understanding about various disability groups, their characteristics, needs, learning differences and to discover different ways for teaching to people with disabilities.
Course Description This course addresses the answers of following questions: What is disability?, Who is disabled?, How can we separate disability from ability?, What is normal? In this perspective, it aims to introduce the characteristics and learning needs of different disability groups and the educational considerations related to those groups. In the light of this, the following topics will be covered: Definition of Disability and Different Models of Disability, The Special Education Concept, Integration and Inclusion Issue, Family Involvement in Education, Learners with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, Learners with Learning Disabilities, Learners with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Learners with Emotional or Behavioral Disorders, Learners with Autism Spectrum Disorders, Learners Who Are Deaf or Hard of Hearing, Learners with Blindness or Low Vision, Learners with Physical Disabilities and Other Health Impairment, Learners with Special Gifts and Talents.
Course Description in Turkish Bu derste temel olarak, engel nedir, engelli kimdir, engelli olan kişiyi diğerlerinden nasıl ayırt edebiliriz, normal nedir gibi sorular ve yanıtların tartışılması amaçlanmıştır. Bu doğrultuda farklı engel gruplarının özelliklerini, öğrenme ihtiyaçlarını ve eğitimciler açısından neler yapılabileceği, derslerin genel gayesini teşkil etmektedir. Tüm bunların ışığında şu başlıklar dersimizde konu edilecektir: Engelliliğin Tanımı ve Farklı Modeller, Özel Eğitim Kavramı, Kaynaştırma Eğitimi, Eğitimde Ailelerin Rolü, Zihin Engeli ve Gelişim Geriliği Olan Öğrenciler, Öğrenme Güçlüğü olan Öğrenciler, Dikkat Eksikliği ve Hiperaktivesi (DEHB) Olan Öğrenciler, Davranış Bozukluğu Olan Öğrenciler, Otizm Spektrumlu Öğrenciler, Sağır veya Az duyan Öğrenciler, Kör veya Az Gören Öğrenciler, Fiziksel Engeli ya da Başka Sağlık Sorunu Olan Öğrenciler, Özel Yetenekli Öğrenciler.

Course Learning Outcomes and Competences

Upon successful completion of the course, the learner is expected to be able to:
Program Learning Outcomes/Course Learning Outcomes 1 2 3 4
1) Apply effective and student-centered specific teaching methods and strategies in order to improve students’ mathematical thinking and problem solving skills.
2) Design lesson plans based on how students learn mathematics and students’ difficulties in learning mathematics.
3) Demonstrate knowledge in various areas of mathematics (such as analysis, algebra, linear algebra, geometry, topology, mathematical modeling, statistics and probability, differential equations) and nature of science and mathematics.
4) Display knowledge and skills in developing programs, teaching technologies and materials in order to teach mathematics in effective and meaningful ways based on student needs.
5) Evaluate and assess students’ individual developmental paths, difficulties in understanding mathematics in multiple ways and use assessment results in improving teaching and learning.
6) Have an awareness of students’ social, cultural, economic and cognitive differences and plan the lessons and activities based on this awareness.
7) Collaborate and respectively communicate with colleagues and student parents such that students learn mathematics in best ways and at the same time feel happy and safe. Work effectively within teams of their own discipline and multi-disciplinary as well as take individual responsibility when they work alone.
8) Have awareness of need for life-long learning. Access information and following developments in education, science and technology. Display skills of solving problems related to their field, renew and improve themselves and critically analyze and question their own work. Use information technologies in effective ways.
9) Use scientific investigation effectively to solve problems in mathematics teaching and learning based on scientific methods. Critically investigate, analyze and make a synthesis of data, and develop solutions to problems based on data and scientific sources.
10) Exhibit skills of communicating effectively in oral and written Turkish and command of English at least at B2 general level of European Language Portfolio.
11) Have awareness of and sensitivity to different cultures, values and students’ democratic rights.
12) Display ethical and professional responsibilities. Have awareness of national and universal sensitivities that are expressed in National Education Fundamentals Laws.
13) Demonstrate consciousness and sensitivity towards preserving nature and environment in the process of developing lesson activities.
14) Display knowledge in national culture and history as well as international cultures and recognize their richness. Have awareness of and participate to developments in society, culture, arts and technology.

Relation to Program Outcomes and Competences

N None S Supportive H Highly Related
Program Outcomes and Competences Level Assessed by
1) Apply effective and student-centered specific teaching methods and strategies in order to improve students’ mathematical thinking and problem solving skills. S Exam,Presentation
2) Design lesson plans based on how students learn mathematics and students’ difficulties in learning mathematics. H Exam,Presentation
3) Demonstrate knowledge in various areas of mathematics (such as analysis, algebra, linear algebra, geometry, topology, mathematical modeling, statistics and probability, differential equations) and nature of science and mathematics. N
4) Display knowledge and skills in developing programs, teaching technologies and materials in order to teach mathematics in effective and meaningful ways based on student needs. S Exam,Presentation
5) Evaluate and assess students’ individual developmental paths, difficulties in understanding mathematics in multiple ways and use assessment results in improving teaching and learning. N
6) Have an awareness of students’ social, cultural, economic and cognitive differences and plan the lessons and activities based on this awareness. S Exam,Presentation
7) Collaborate and respectively communicate with colleagues and student parents such that students learn mathematics in best ways and at the same time feel happy and safe. Work effectively within teams of their own discipline and multi-disciplinary as well as take individual responsibility when they work alone. N
8) Have awareness of need for life-long learning. Access information and following developments in education, science and technology. Display skills of solving problems related to their field, renew and improve themselves and critically analyze and question their own work. Use information technologies in effective ways. S
9) Use scientific investigation effectively to solve problems in mathematics teaching and learning based on scientific methods. Critically investigate, analyze and make a synthesis of data, and develop solutions to problems based on data and scientific sources. N
10) Exhibit skills of communicating effectively in oral and written Turkish and command of English at least at B2 general level of European Language Portfolio. N
11) Have awareness of and sensitivity to different cultures, values and students’ democratic rights. N
12) Display ethical and professional responsibilities. Have awareness of national and universal sensitivities that are expressed in National Education Fundamentals Laws. N
13) Demonstrate consciousness and sensitivity towards preserving nature and environment in the process of developing lesson activities. N
14) Display knowledge in national culture and history as well as international cultures and recognize their richness. Have awareness of and participate to developments in society, culture, arts and technology. N
Prepared by and Date ENGİN YILMAZ , May 2018
Course Coordinator BENGİ BİRGİLİ
Semester Güz
Name of Instructor Öğr. Gör. ENGİN YILMAZ

Course Contents

Hafta Konu
Required/Recommended ReadingsHallahan D.P., Kauffman J., Pullen P.C. 2013. Exceptional Learners: Pearson New International Edition: An Introduction to Special Education. 12th edn. MA: Pearson Education. Inc. Bezmez, D., Yardımcı, S. & Şentürk, S., (eds). (2011). Sakatlık Çalışmaları: Sosyal Bilimlerden Bakmak. İstanbul: Koç Üniversitesi Yayınları. Sacks, O. (1996). An anthropologist on Mars: Seven paradoxical tales. New York: Vintage Books.
Teaching MethodsContact hours using “Flipped Classroom” as an active learning technique
Homework and Projects
Laboratory Work
Computer Use
Other ActivitiesGroup Presentation
Assessment Methods
Assessment Tools Count Weight
Devam 1 % 5
Sunum 1 % 15
Ara Sınavlar 1 % 35
Final 1 % 45
TOTAL % 100
Course Administration engine.yilmaz@boun.edu.tr
0 212 359 46 47 (GETEM)
office hours: Thursday 15.00-16.00

ECTS Student Workload Estimation

Activity No/Weeks Hours Calculation
No/Weeks per Semester Preparing for the Activity Spent in the Activity Itself Completing the Activity Requirements
Ders Saati 14 1 2 2 70
Ödevler 1 8 8
Ara Sınavlar 1 8 2 10
Final 1 16 2 18
Total Workload 106
Total Workload/25 4.2