Kamu Hukuku (Tezli)
Yüksek Lisans Programın Süresi: 2 Kredi Sayısı: 120 TYYÇ: 7. Düzey QF-EHEA: 2. Düzey EQF: 7. Düzey

Sınav Kuralları ve Notlandırma

As per undergraduate academic rules and regulations, click here. (in Turkish)

Grading Scheme:
Grades included in the CGPA
Grade Numerical Value Total Number
Awarded in the
Reference Group
of the Total
A 4 9 42.86%
A- 3.7 4 19.05%
B+ 3.3 2 9.52%
B 3 1 4.76%
B- 2.7 1 4.76%
FX 0 4 19.05%
21 100%
Grades not included in the CGPA
Grade Definition Numerical
S Satisfactory -
EX Exempted -